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  • Mar 26, 2013, 10:15 PM
    What is he doing? HELP.
    Hi I'm jules, I'm 16.

    There's this guy who is sort of my cousin by my adoption and our families are closely affiliated with his. Any how him and I tell perverted jokes and stuff . 1 night I said I'm going to send you a pic of Maboob. Which is an African runner. So he freaked out about it and then I sent him a picture of the runner. This was 2 months ago. Ever since then he will text me and ask to play a game called random (where you ask each other random questions) and his are very sexual. I partly knew he was playing but some of his questions were deep down like do you think because of my albinism that I'm ugly. Of coarse I don't think that. So being the person I am I went along with questions like that and more sexual ones. 1 of his questions were " if we were alone and only had 1 hour to to see each other for the last time what would you want to do" I said give you lots of hugs. Then he was like well I would figure you would at least want to go all the way with me. So I sucker into it and say well yeah.

    Then after feeling special the next morning he would text me haha just kidding about last night. But you weren't. Even though he ask the questions and even sort of manipulated my answers. Sadly this happened twice. Then last night he snap chat me and said I won't talk to you unless I get a tit pic. We bantered about it then he said he was just kidding. Then he sent me a close up of his nipple and like said to win this competition you have to send me a pic of you in a bra, I asked him several times, will you make fun? Will you tell? I'm going to do it! And he was all hung no until I sent it then he was all like I was just kidding oh my god. It upset me even though it wasn't like he saw any more of me. You would at the pool. I have size d boobs and I'm not fat. So I think part of him liked it.

    So after we fussed about it at 7 in the AM he text me hey big tits when can I get me some of those. I said grow them yourself. Then he said a couple other comments and then said I was just seeing if you could tell I was joking, wanted to see how you react. Then this evening he snap chat me saying take off your shirt and stuff of course I said no and joked about it then he was like dude I was just testing you, bye. Why is he doing this, is he really just kidding or does he like it. Please help.
  • Mar 26, 2013, 10:22 PM
    In the beginning I meant "theres this guy who is sort of my cousin by my adoption."I have no idea why it came out the way it did up top. My apology.
  • Mar 26, 2013, 10:23 PM
    I think I would find something else to do besides playing around with a guy like this. He is not kidding about you taking off your shirt.
    I would find myself some other friends, and stop this kind of joking around. You could very well end up in trouble. Good luck.
  • Mar 26, 2013, 10:35 PM

    Originally Posted by fredg View Post
    I think I would find something else to do besides playing around with a guy like this. He is not kidding about you taking off your shirt.
    I would find myself some other friends, and stop this kind of joking around. You could very well end up in trouble. Good luck.

    thank you.
  • Mar 27, 2013, 04:28 AM
    And if he will ask you to jump in a well, will you jump? What is this ? What kind of guy ask a girl such thing? Stop chatting with such useless crap.
  • Mar 27, 2013, 07:05 AM
    It's a long story...
  • Mar 27, 2013, 07:26 AM
    Most boys test girls. Nothing new, thousands of years of it, way before electricity and phones and cameras and what have you.
    Boys still mostly want 'good girls' despite all their attempts to get you to show them part of your body or to sneak a kiss, or these days, jump right into sex. I suppose it goes back to some ancient social trait in which men want their women to stay home and be a dutiful wife and mother, and not get pregnant by any other man. After all, until the very recent DNA testing, no man really know if he was the father of his children or not. Unless he went off on the hunt or to war and didn't come home for months.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 07:36 AM
    I appreciate you taking the time to tell the whole story. My solution to suggest for this problem is a two step program. 1. Tell him that you are becoming very uncomfortable with his intense joking and you can no longer tell whether is a joke or him being serious and ask him to stop. 2. If he continues then you simply ignore him because he is showing that his friendship to you is nothing more than a means to an end to satisfy his sexual desires.

    PS... A real friend would never manipulate you into seeing you naked for any reason.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 07:58 AM
    He will keep asking, since you keep talking and playing along, he will want more and more and more as long as it is getting it.

    You need to set a limit and stop talking about it

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