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  • Mar 22, 2013, 02:31 PM
    How do I stop being afraid of death?
    Since I was 8 years old I was always afraid of dying. It's not that I have some disease or anything but it just hit me one day that I'll be dead forever. It was really frequent, I rarely think of it now though I keep myself busy to avoid thinking about it. But I don't think anything causes it, and the second I start thinking about it I start to panic and almost yell. It's incredibly terrifying but as the seconds go by I start to calm. How the hell do I convince myself to stop being afraid?

    I have tried religion although I'm and have always been an aethist. I tried saying that it won't matter I am just atoms after all. I tried searching on the Internet but no had the Same problem, please someone help ;/.
  • Mar 22, 2013, 02:39 PM
    A fear that causes you to be unable to function, even for part of a day, is a phobia, and there are countless phobias. Fear of death is actually common, but not in the form of (almost) screaming when it hits. I think if you Google fear of death you will find plenty of people who share it.
    You say fear of dying as well as fear of death - I'm afraid of dying painfully and being unable to tell anyone to let me die, pull the plug. I'm not afraid of death. To me it's a comfortable thought, being just atoms as you say, with no consciousness. It sounds like you can't let go of the idea of your mind disappearing with your body. If that is so, then you really should explore spirituality, if you don't like established religions. Could you feel good about your spirit floating around without a care in the world, looking down, or what about reincarnation? To me - my mind goes poof, the second my body dies.
  • Mar 22, 2013, 06:05 PM
    You have two options and I am not trying to persuade you as to which one to adopt. Use the same depth of thinking and analyzing that you used when you decided that you were an atheist.
    You can look into the spiritual side as suggested, or you can accept that your status will be the same after you die as it was before you were born.
    As regards the decision about atheism, make sure that you made the right decision and have no doubts that it was the correct decision. If you made the right decision, you will suffer no penalty. But if you made the wrong one, some religions would tell you that you will regret your mistake for every second of every hour for eternity. Sometimes described as the worm that never dies.
  • Mar 22, 2013, 07:29 PM
    That is a serious problem, yes phobia it must be.
    You defiantly can't carry yourself to a solution, it is a good thing you are being honest because we are all here to help you.

    First, what you need to have is self-assurance, what you are afraid of is sure an incredibly huge question mark, people go through that only once. I believe in heave and so in God, I would probably be like you If it was not for him. To me he is a savor whom I put my tears, pain, and effort for. Every decision I make in my life is inspired by him. And because I trust him I am not afraid. And even when I am afraid I think of him and pray, and come back to myself. So you see when you believe from the bottom of your hurt you could be healed my friend.
    If you decide to take a chance, do not rush, this will take time before you will be able to trust him and love him completely.
    If you don't want this, than you have to see a doctor, I mean being afraid to the level of screaming is not a good thing, and yet don't be disturbed, you can make it.
  • Mar 22, 2013, 07:36 PM

    Originally Posted by Zea View Post
    That is a serious problem, yes phobia it must be.
    You defiantly can't carry yourself to a solution, it is a good thing you are being honest because we are all here to help you.

    First, what you need to have is self-assurance, what you are afraid of is sure an incredibly huge question mark, people go through that only once. I believe in heave and so in God, I would probably be like you If it was not for him. To me he is a savor whom I put my tears, pain, and effort for. Every decision I make in my life is inspired by him. And because I trust him I am not afraid. And even when I am afraid I think of him and pray, and come back to myself. So you see when you believe from the bottom of your hurt you could be healed my friend.
    If you decide to take a chance, do not rush, this will take time before you will be able to trust him and love him completely.
    If you don't want this, than you have to see a doctor, I mean being afraid to the level of screaming is not a good thing, and yet don't be disturbed, you can make it.

    This is not a religious forum. Please do not respond with your beliefs as the OP may not share your same views.
  • Mar 22, 2013, 07:54 PM
    May I ask about your childhood at 8 years old? What was it like, and what had you been through? How old are you now? Any siblings? Are your parents alive and part of your life?
  • Mar 23, 2013, 03:46 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    May I ask about your childhood at 8 years old? What was it like, and what had you been thru? How old are you now? Any siblings? Are your parents alive and part of your life?


    Well, my childhood was incredible, I befriended my entire school , decent grades. Nothing was wrong at that time. I am 14 years old.1 brother. My parents are alive ,both of them. A part of my life? Well I spend most of my time reading manga or books, I also play games.

    And I wouldn't say it is a phobia because I do have a reason for being afraid of it .
    Religion isn't really something I believe in so please do not answer with something related to it.
  • Mar 23, 2013, 04:00 AM
    'And I wouldn't say it is a phobia because I do have a reason for being afraid of it'

    Not the right definition of phobia. People have very good reasons for being afraid of heights, spiders, snakes, deep water, tight spaces, and so on. It's how disabling it is that turns a regular fear into a phobia. But it's not worth arguing over. Maybe your fear isn't as disabling as it sounded in your question. You sound like a pretty well adjusted teen, if there is such a thing. (Sorry, just kidding - I was a teen once long ago, and it was tough. Isn't it for all teens?)
  • Mar 23, 2013, 05:40 AM
    Could you be over reacting? Do you talk of this to anyone?
  • Mar 23, 2013, 09:01 AM
    You know what, I have changed my mind, It is not phobia. Let me explain.

    You are still a teenager so don't worry you could grow out of this FEAR ,still not phobia, as you grow older. I am pretty sure you will.

    If this fear causes you a lot of distress on daily bases, then you need counselling.

    And by the way, death is very common among teenagers like you, so death is considered a normal fear.
    If you have a real phobia then you must suffer physically: like you get trouble breathing or your body shakes when you think about it. Which you probably don't.

    Further more, there are the emotional signs, like you feel you are going to die, you are going crazy, or feel like losing control. If this especially does not effect your daily life_ you have nothing to worry about.

    Your best beat is to face that fear if you want to move on. Make a list from the things that scary you the least to the worst, like being in a dark silence forever. Stating with the least scary, think about that fear, you being in that position is impossible that is what you need to tell yourself, that such things do not exist, and maybe there is another life after this one. Still self-assurance is the main stage.

    Good luck.

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