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  • Mar 10, 2013, 10:56 AM
    Do women have to do the cooking after marriage?what about men?
    In my place many says it is the girls responsibility . Many men would never even make a cup of tea . Whey think it as dirty? Some people won't even let their wife's to go to work. They say women responsibility is only to take care of them,kids and family and do the cooking
    I don't think so.I think both men and women have equal rights?
    Give me your views?
  • Mar 17, 2013, 12:40 AM
    It all depends on the cultural values of the couple.

    For example, In a more "tradition" oriented home, the residents could believe that the women should be the ones to cook- not the men.
    They don't see it as "sexist" because it's the way they were brought up.

    When it comes to equality, though, It all depends on the couple.
    If the man can cook, great, but if he can't- there's his counterpart to back him up.
  • Mar 17, 2013, 03:43 AM
    I'm in the US, where tradition has changed a lot since WW2. More and more men share all the household chores and child care, if both husband and wife work. It hasn't meant, however, that women don't say that their men are very good at it, or do anywhere near half of it. Some men put in more hours at their jobs than their wives, while others just don't realize all that needs to be done, and some just don't agree with how much needs to be done. So the age old custom hasn't exactly died. And of course a lot of the world carries on the traditions of thousands of years.

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