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  • Feb 28, 2013, 06:27 AM
    I just found out my boyfriend hitting up the strip clubs
    We are in a long distance relationship, we just both turned 21 and he always tell me whenever he is going out with friends and yup we still communicate even if he is out. Then one time he told me that they are not going to the bar instead stay at a hotel room where his friends got it. And he just suddenly told me that his phone is dying so it was just okay with me. Until 2 weeks after I just saw his conversation with his friend and well there's nothing with me until I just saw a conversation that he said to his friend that ''I know you've been hitting hoes and don't worry I do the same and I had it just two weeks ago and it was cool'' and he said he was at a strip club and of course he brought it at the hotel room. I was really really and very down that he did that but he didn't know that I know what he did. But now we are very good like he is very very sweet to me and he is going to visit me on April and that there's nothing wrong with our relationship it is just that I was very upset with what I saw in the fb conversation well I am a filipina and he is American and honestly I don't know if it is just natural to them or what and if I really have a reason to get angry or just let him do that. Please Help! And I need explanation. Thank you!
  • Feb 28, 2013, 06:32 AM
    Sounds like he is messing around... what do you need an explanation about? You either accept that he is probably having sex with someone else while in a relationship with you, or you don't accept it.
  • Feb 28, 2013, 06:36 AM
    Hi! odinn7 well I just want to know if its just normal that a guy go to strip clubs and do something sexual or whatsoever and then no commitment after? I just don't know if il just understand that he is a guy or that is the AMERICAN CULTURE like it is just normal with them.
  • Feb 28, 2013, 06:40 AM
    No, men in all culture, Europe, American and Asia go to clubs and get sex with they have little morals and no respect for a girlfriend or wife. ** unless their partner is OK with it.

    Next in American very few strip clubs are the girls "hoes" very would ever have sex with clients but promice it to get more tips.

    So it is not acceptable if you have promiced each other not to have sex with others.

    In a long distance relationship, if there is no promise, he is free to do what he wishes
  • Feb 28, 2013, 06:40 AM
    Have you two said that you would be exclusive? That would be a deal breaker for me. It's cheating in my opinion. If you guys do actually visit in April... and if you have sex, please use protection!
  • Feb 28, 2013, 06:42 AM
    Thank you Fr_Chuck but what should I do because whenever I say that he should be good and behave when going out with friends he seems like mad at me that he was saying like I don't trust him and what should I do the next time he tell me to go out with friends?
  • Feb 28, 2013, 06:43 AM

    Originally Posted by Wonderling View Post
    Have you two said that you would be exclusive? That would be a deal breaker for me. It's cheating in my opinion. If you guys do actually visit in April...and if you have sex, please use protection!

    Thanks! Well yes its clear that we said we both are just exclusive and that no cheating or lies. I don't know what to do seriously
  • Feb 28, 2013, 07:05 AM
    Should I tell my boyfriend?
    Should I tell my boyfriend what I found out on his Facebook that I know what he did last two weeks ago that he had sex with a stripper? Actually I just saw the conversation between him and a guy friend. I just don't know how to tell him first and I just want an explanation on why he has to do it and besides I don't want him to know that I have been reading his Facebook messages that he might say I am not giving his privacy. HELP!
  • Feb 28, 2013, 07:18 AM
    Really? He is unfaithful and you are worried about how he will think? Have better standards. Find someone new. If he cheats once he will cheat again. Plus you DON'T want to catch what he might have caught from a stripper.
  • Feb 28, 2013, 07:20 AM

    Originally Posted by Oliver2011 View Post
    Really? He is unfaithful and you are worried about how he will think? Have better standards. Find someone new. If he cheats once he will cheat again. Plus you DON'T want to catch what he might have caught from a stripper.

    Thank you! :)
  • Feb 28, 2013, 07:35 AM
    Have you ever actually met this person?

    Sorry but if not, it is only an LDR, no serious commitment and it is rather silly that because of this you expect him to be exclusive.

    Get involved with someone you can touch, feel, and talk to face to face.
  • Feb 28, 2013, 07:42 AM
    Yea I see, Thank you :)
  • Feb 28, 2013, 09:48 AM
    Men in many parts of the world have an idea that all Asian women are obedient, subservient, and shy. Don't be used this way!
  • Feb 28, 2013, 03:48 PM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Men in many parts of the world have an idea that all Asian women are obedient, subservient, and shy. Don't be used this way!

    Thank you so much! :D
  • Mar 1, 2013, 10:29 AM
    Yeah this is not a pattern that is likely to isolate itself. If you and he have agreed to be exclusive and he has made some "commitment" to you in some way and is hitting the hoes... he won't STOP dispensing you as unimportant side note to his getting laid by whoever whenever and that puts you at risk to get your heart broken and/or a disease.
    Trust me.

    You don't have to say anything about what you saw but you'd be better off to distance from this guy and find someone else. Not every man is out having sex with skanky strippers or prostitutes!

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