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  • Jan 15, 2013, 02:37 PM
    Resume advice
    I was recently let go from my job of six months due to "not keeping up" with my workload. Do I need to keep this job on my resume (I also waitress as-needed, and have technically been employed with the restaurant for over a year, so there would be no gap in my work history)? If so, how do I state my reason for leaving without being turned down for future jobs?
  • Jan 15, 2013, 02:40 PM
    No, it doesn't have to be on your resume or noted on a job application. If there is no mention of it, you don't have to explain it, and the "gap" is taken care of because of your other job.
  • Jan 15, 2013, 02:40 PM
    Do you want to lie on your resume or tell the truth? I hire for my business - I'd rather hear the truth than find out about a lie.

    Was the employment from which you were let go full time and your waitress job part time? I'd be concerned that a call to verify the restaurant job would uncover the other job.

    I'd tell the truth.

    Why did you leave? You were unhappy with the conditions and/or felt the workload was unreasonable. They terminated you before you could quit.

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