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  • Jan 10, 2013, 09:59 AM
    Skyrocket Away
    Extremely low blood pressure?
    Hello, I'm a 22 year old girl. No major medical problems(that I know of), not on any medications, not a smoker or drinker. Don't eat lots of fatty, fried or bad foods.

    My blood pressure usually when I'm just sitting at home is about 120/70. I know that's not extremely low yet. My question is, I've noticed that when I am lying flat, in bed or whatever, my blood pressure drops to about 112/30. I first noticed this about a month ago when I was at home(I have a home blood pressure monitor). It dropped to about 95/35.

    I was in the hospital last night for a knee injury and I fell asleep. When I was being discharged they woke me up and checked my blood pressure. It was 112/32. The bottom number seems EXTREMELY low to me. Even for sleep. I wasn't dizzy or anything, but I had just woken up.

    I've had an ultrasound on my heart less than a year ago, numerous EKGs, blood work, cat scans on my heart and X-rays and every single thing came back 100% fine.

    When I've noticed how low it is it scares the living crap out of me and I'm afraid I'm going to die):

    Is it normal for blood pressure to drop THAT low when lying down/sleeping? It's never that low when I'm sitting up or running around or anything. If its not normal, what should I do? Also, I'm not 100% what either of the numbers mean. Like what the top number and bottom means. If you can explain this to me, please do.

    Help ):
  • Jan 10, 2013, 10:17 AM
    As someone who regularly watches her own and her husband's blood pressure, I wonder if there is something wrong with that particular monitor.
  • Jan 10, 2013, 10:28 AM
    Skyrocket Away
    I was wondering that as well. But I don't think there would be something wrong with my monitor and the one at the hospital. It was 112/32 at the hospital and the nurse was even like "wow, that's really low..."
  • Jan 10, 2013, 10:34 AM
    When I was in the hospital for severe anemia, the nurse had to use three different monitors before she found one that recorded my bp accurately. And I researched this to find that when lying down, one's bp is always lower. If the doctor didn't find anything wrong with you, I wouldn't worry and figure the monitor should be changed or checked. (We have one that records high and another that records low.)

    How do you feel when you sit up? Dizzy? Sick to your stomach? Why are you checking your bp when lying down?
  • Jan 10, 2013, 10:47 AM
    Skyrocket Away
    That makes sense that it might me the monitor. But I still worry that its more me than that. ):
    If I sit up really quickly I get dizzy. But that's about it. If I get up normally and unrushed I feel fine.

    I checked it when I was lying down because I was curious if it drops when your body is fully reclined and relaxed.
  • Jan 10, 2013, 10:54 AM
    Yes, it drops when lying down -- less work for the heart to do. And anyone who sits up too fast will probably get dizzy.

    You aren't on any bp meds, are you?

    We have a nifty nurse on site, so maybe she will weigh in on this sometime today.
  • Jan 10, 2013, 10:59 AM
    Skyrocket Away

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Yes, it drops when lying down -- less work for the heart to do. And anyone who sits up too fast will probably get dizzy.

    You aren't on any bp meds, are you?

    We have a nifty nurse on site, so maybe she will weigh in on this sometime today.

    Nope. I'm not on any medications for anything.

    And okay. I look forward to her possible input(:

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