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  • Jan 5, 2013, 04:50 AM
    Lucy Negrete
    Driving whit out car insurance and got into a car accident
    I was in a car accident on Oct 24 2012 and didn't have any car insurance. Not that I didn't want to pay its because I got hurt at work ended up getting surgery making me lose 6 months of work all together causing me to be behind on my bills and not being able to afford insurance and other bills. What can I do also if the accident wasn't my fault and I got pictures and witnesses that seen it was there fault not mine
  • Jan 5, 2013, 04:59 AM
    Well fault has nothing to do with insurance, you merely sue the other person for damages if his insurance does not pay for repair of your car.

    You I assume got a ticket for driving with no insurance, if so, expuect a large fine 500 to 2000 dollars in my state. And your drivers license may be revoked or suspended for up to a year.

    So you had not insurance, that means you don't drive, you take the bus, you walk ride a bike. Sorry having no money is not an excuse
    So yo
  • Jan 5, 2013, 05:20 AM
    So the question is what is being done? Is the other driver trying to get you pay the damages? Do you need money to fix your car?

    Before we can tell you what to do, we need to know what the situation is.

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