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  • Nov 25, 2012, 08:19 PM
    EtG test
    I had 8 beers yesterday at most, and I might have an EtG test Tuesday. That's 49 hours. Will the alcohol still show up on the test? I'm an athlete, I'm 6'3, and 220 lbs. I don't drink pop, and I eat healthy. Please help! I'm freaking out!
  • Nov 25, 2012, 11:55 PM
    There is a good possibility of failing the test in that timeframe. The amount of ETG produced is highly variable from one person to another. One person may pass and another fail. Some fail this test that do not drink. I have been subject to this test personally. If the test has a 500 n/g cutoff you have a better chance of passing than a 100 n/g cutoff obviously. There's no one who can give you a definative yes or no answer. Eating regularly speeds up metabolism and staying hydrated will help as ETG is hydrophilic... do not take that as chug a gallon of water before the test. A dillute test can be as bad as a fail. Anyone subject to this test should really not drink period. It's a gamble and not worth the risk. Good luck.
  • Nov 26, 2012, 10:31 AM

    Originally Posted by allisterlq View Post
    There is a good possibility of failing the test in that timeframe. The amount of ETG produced is highly variable from one person to another. One person may pass and another fail. Some fail this test that do not drink. I have been subject to this test personally. If the test has a 500 n/g cutoff you have a better chance of passing than a 100 n/g cutoff obviously. Theres no one who can give you a definative yes or no answer. Eating regularly speeds up metabolism and staying hydrated will help as ETG is not take that as chug a gallon of water before the test. A dillute test can be as bad as a fail. Anyone subject to this test should really not drink period. Its a gamble and not worth the risk. Good luck.

    Thanks a lot bro, I only drank because my best friend is moving out to Texas next week and I probably won't see him for a very long time. I drank a lot of water yesterday and I probably peed like 10 times haha. I'm pretty sure the alcohol is out of my system, I just don't know about the ethanol. I'll just play it cool I guess, and if I fail it was Nyquil because my family has bronchitis at home so I can just say I was subject to that. Trust me though, I am not risking it again. This is scary man. Any advice to what I can do to clean up for the test? I already planned on working out today but I usually workout 4 days a week anyway plus I eat very healthy and drink lots of water.
  • Nov 26, 2012, 01:40 PM

    Originally Posted by bsands View Post
    Thanks a lot bro, I only drank because my bestfriend is moving out to texas next week and I probably wont see him for a very long time. I drank a lot of water yesterday and I probably peed like 10 times haha. I'm pretty sure the alcohol is out of my system, I just don't know about the ethanol. I'll just play it cool I guess, and if I fail it was Nyquil because my family has bronchitis at home so I can just say I was subject to that. Trust me though, I am not risking it again. This is scary man. Any advice to what I can do to clean up for the test? I already planned on working out today but I usually workout 4 days a week anyways plus I eat very healthy and drink lots of water.

    Alcohol is ethenol. ETG is ethel glucuronide.. its produced by your liver as ethenol is broken down along with ETS ethel sulfate. Even after the alcohol is gone these stay in your system for a time... Time is the only way to improve a chance at passing honestly. ETG is hydrophilic meaning it basically has a affinity for water. Staying well hydrated and doing what you seem to normally do is about it. Look up Dr bill100 on this site. Most of the information I have posted is learned from him and my own research. As I said I was subject to this test and got a positive. Even when I knew I was clean it was scary to test because I know how erratic the test is.
  • Nov 26, 2012, 02:46 PM
    I passed after 60 hours but I was freaking out the whole time while waiting... ugh.. I don't envy you!. but def don't give a diluted cause I made that mistake... too much water and I got violated.. ive had friends pass after 23 hours.
  • Nov 26, 2012, 05:48 PM

    Originally Posted by allisterlq View Post
    Alcohol is ethenol. ETG is ethel glucuronide..its produced by your liver as ethenol is broken down along with ETS ethel sulfate. Even after the alcohol is gone these stay in your system for a time....Time is the only way to improve a chance at passing honestly. ETG is hydrophilic meaning it basically has a affinity for water. Staying well hydrated and doing what you seem to normally do is about it. Look up Dr bill100 on this site. Most of the information I have posted is learned from him and my own research. As I said I was subject to this test and got a positive. Even when I knew I was clean it was scary to test because I know how erratic the test is.

    Yeah, I'm not too worried about it. I mean, doesn't the probation officer have to give me prior notice since it costs 25 dollars to do it? I'm pretty sure it should be out by now. If not, I'm going to deny taking in any alcohol because of how flawed the is. I drank some cranberry juice and a bit of water plus I had a multivitamin, creatine, and some protein because I train 4 days a week.
  • Nov 26, 2012, 05:50 PM

    Originally Posted by davek1010 View Post
    i passed after 60 hours but i was freaking out the whole time while waiting...ugh..i dont envy you !....but def dont give a diluted cause i made that mistake.....too much water and i got violated..ive had friends pass after 23 hours.

    Yeah man, I've been reading around. It's just telling me that it's all on your metabolism and with mine, I'm pretty sure I'll be fine. I got a really good workout in today, not just because of that but I'm training to join my school's football team in the spring.
  • Nov 26, 2012, 09:44 PM
    Wish me luck! I'm going to bed. I'll keep you guys posted if I end up having to take one! God bless!
  • Nov 27, 2012, 02:00 AM

    Originally Posted by bsands View Post
    Yeah, i'm not too worried about it. I mean, doesn't the probation officer have to give me prior notice since it costs 25 dollars to do it? I'm pretty sure it should be out by now. If not, i'm going to deny taking in any alcohol because of how flawed the is. I drank some cranberry juice and a bit of water plus I had a multivitamin, creatine, and some protein because I train 4 days a week.

    I don't know if they have to give you any notice. That kind of thing is up in the air from one state to another. If positive you can try to argue it... lawyers aren't cheap though lol. It's a really screwy test and usually the people that rely on it don't have a clue about how it works and how it can be wrong.
  • Nov 27, 2012, 07:32 AM
    Well, I didn't end up having to test today anyway! Lol just a check up. This charge is only a MIP so there's need for EtG I guess. I think he only threatened to use it against me in the presentencing interview to see if I was drinking. Thanks for the help anyway fellas!

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