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  • Mar 13, 2007, 09:55 AM
    Zodiac matching
    Just a topic off the serious matters for a change ;-)

    I was never really into zodiac stuff until about 5 years ago when I met an indian friend who told me that in India most marriages are arranged by matching signs, like water and water, fire and fire etc.

    Back then I was seeing an Aries and she told me fire and water will never work and it was correct, and I have had disastrous experiences dating leo(fire) also

    My 2 long term relationship have been with Pisces(matching water sign)

    So just wanted to see in your experience,especially the happy married ones, are your signs compatible?!
    Is it as simple as choosing a matching sign ?lol
  • Mar 13, 2007, 10:00 AM
    I honestly have no idea whether our "signs" are compatible!

    I've been with my husband for 11 years... he's a Libra and I'm a Capricorn (Sagittarius cusp).

    The only other close relationship I've had that was happy and lasted for some time was with an Aries. (this is my best friend. Not a sexual relationship, but a close relationship)
  • Mar 13, 2007, 10:00 AM
    Are Taurus and Leo supposed to be good together?
  • Mar 13, 2007, 10:00 AM
    Hi rol,

    I am a fire I think, I am Aries and my ex was a Piscies which is water.

    Work that one out... LOL

    What qualities does a fire have as opposed to water.

    I know you told me this once but can you tell me again.. :)
  • Mar 13, 2007, 10:19 AM
    Ah yeah Geoff I remember talking about this with you before :)
    Complete opposites lol

    Find a fire sign ! Sagitarius, aries or a leo!
  • Mar 13, 2007, 10:25 AM
    So, perhaps before I even date them, I should say, "What star sign are you?" and if she says one that is not compatible, I should just say to her, "sorry darling, we are not compatible"

    LOL>>That would be quite funny actually.

    That means me and you are not compatible rol... LOL We are fire and water are we not?

    I bet we could be compatible friends though.:)
  • Mar 13, 2007, 10:28 AM
    <<That means me and you are not compatible rol... LOL We are fire and water are we not?

    Yes, alas! No hope! :)
  • Mar 13, 2007, 10:29 AM
    I have never checked any girl's sign before dating. My wife and I have been together for 12 years now. :)
  • Mar 13, 2007, 10:37 AM

    Originally Posted by rol
    <<That means me and you are not compatible rol...LOL We are fire and water are we not??

    yes, alas!! no hope!! :)

    Darn rol, I should have lied to you and said I was a piscies.. LOL:D
  • Mar 13, 2007, 10:47 AM
    I think that the truth is, that a good match in this life is based on the two signs maturity as far as their realization of who they are and how their honesty as developed. From my experience speaking, It may be wiser to stay away from your exact opposite on that chart, for example I am a gemini and my worst experience was with a saggitarius. Also staying slightly away from your own sign (IF YOU CHOOSE) simply because life is a series of learning experiences and there is more to learn with another sign than your own, although some signs together can live very comfortable, but that is for people who want no change. Sometimes being with a sign that is not your direct match allows you to learn more and raise your consciousness in this life as you have stepped above your birth patterns. I think maturity and willingness are the answer. Peace all.
  • Mar 13, 2007, 10:51 AM
    Try this guys and gals for a match comparison.
  • Mar 13, 2007, 10:54 AM
    On the basis of that table, I am going to find a Leo or a Sagittarius..

    Any takers p.m me for my home phone number.. LOL:p
  • Mar 13, 2007, 11:24 AM
    How about a Capricorn man and Gemini woman, more than 30 years trying to figure it out, gave up and just enjoy it.
  • Mar 13, 2007, 11:39 AM
    Well my sign certainly lol did not mix with the man I was seeing... gemini and capricorn
  • Mar 13, 2007, 12:27 PM
    Rol - I was never really into - but I am now and really believe it. There are just some sign I know I won't get alone with.
  • Mar 13, 2007, 04:02 PM
    Well what about a Scorpio and someone who was born on the 18th April. See there you go, I don't even know what star sign that is! What is an 18th April person?
  • Mar 13, 2007, 04:13 PM

    Originally Posted by Skell
    Well what about a Scorpio and someone who was born on the 18th April. See there you go, i don't even know what star sign that is! What is an 18th April person??

    18th April is just about an Aries, so you are fire sign, if you were born on April 20th, you would then become a Taurus.

    According to that table above you Aries and scorpio or a 150 match = Inconjunction = living separately together, on a particular item, you match O.K. but on another subject, you do not agree.

    I copied that from the site above Skell so I don't fully understand what it implies but it kind of translates in my head to a 50% match... Bit of mystery for you I guess.

    Hey, if you want Skell, you can marry my Sister, she is a Scorpio!

    2 problems:

    1.) She is already getting married this year so you would need to do it the Dustin Hoffman way in that film The Graduate.

    2.) That would make you my brother-in-law and you might not be keen on that concept.. LOL

    Sorry, feeling in the funny humour mood.
  • Mar 13, 2007, 06:05 PM
    There is so much more to a birth chart than just the sun sign, so all generalities based on that one feature alone are inherently suspect.

    A birth chart is a diagram of the positions of the moving heavenly bodies (planets plus sun and moon) as seen from the point of entry (first breath) on the Earth. The twelve constellations of fixed stars that lie along the plane of the earth's orbit (the 12 "signs") are the reference points for measuring the positions of the "planets" (including the sun and moon) as well as the horizon (east="ascendant", west="descendant") and the meridian (straight above="midheaven", straight beneath="lower heaven").

    The usefulness of one's birth chart as a tool for self-exploration depends on the willing choice to treat it as a symbolic mandala that represents the sum of all possible challenges, opportunities, potentials and hazards afforded by this life situation. There is no necessity to make such an analogy, just as there is neither a guarantee nor requirement to manifest any particular one of the possibilities inherent in the lifetime. Hence, the sages say, "The stars inform, they do not compel".

    The "planets" represent particular functions, urges, or aspects of personality (e.g. Sun=creative expression, Moon=adaptive capacity) that must be exercised in order to achieve a balanced, harmonious, and satisfying expression of the Whole Self within the constraints of time, space, and gravity. The "sign" location of each planet represents the style or attitude with which that planetary function is expressed.

    The "houses" are twelve divisions of the circle that represent areas of life experience or stages of life and growth, and are actually far more significant than signs in interpreting a birth chart. The first six houses (starting at the ascendant, going counterclockwise) are below the horizon and represent inner experience. Houses seven through twelve are above the horizon and represent outer experience in increasingly widening social contexts (seventh=one-to-one, twelfth=cosmic collective). The house position of each planet shows the area of life experience where that planetary function is most active.

    There is a whole field of astrological interpretation that focuses on interpersonal relationships (synastry). As you can imagine, there are myriad features and interactions to consider in looking at the compatibility of two people, and their respective sun signs are seldom the most significant or influential.

    More than you really wanted to know, I'll bet. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  • Mar 13, 2007, 06:40 PM

    Originally Posted by Geoffersonairplane
    18th April is just about an Aries, so you are fire sign, if you were born on April 20th, you would then become a Taurus.

    According to that table above you Aries and scorpio or a 150 match = Inconjunction = living seperately together, on a particular item, you match O.K. but on another subject, you do not agree.

    I copied that from the site above Skell so I don't fully understand what it implies but it kind of translates in my head to a 50% match....Bit of mystery for you I guess.

    Hey, if you want Skell, you can marry my Sister, she is a Scorpio!!

    2 problems:

    1.) She is already getting married this year so you would need to do it the Dustin Hoffman way in that film The Graduate.

    2.) That would make you my brother-in-law and you might not be keen on that concept..LOL

    Sorry, feeling in the funny humour mood.

    Im a Scorpio. A friend of mine was born on the 18th. 50% match hey? Interesting.

    Your sister Geoff? Wow, thanks for that. Most of my mates always warn me to stay well away from their sisters or else. But you've offered me yours. Tremendous.

    I bet she's great too. Her English accent would melt my heart.

    No need to apologise bro. We're family... well soon anyway!!
  • Mar 14, 2007, 03:17 PM
    I like this thread :).. too bad I'm a bit late in joining the dicussion.. but I found this a while ago

    Horoscope Astrology for Lovers, Scorpio - Astrodienst

    It's very detail, and in my case quite accurate.

    Have fun with it! :)

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