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  • Nov 9, 2012, 06:53 AM
    Nanny Bloomy does it again.
    He is out of control .


    Outlawed are food donations to homeless shelters because the city can’t assess their salt, fat and fiber content, reports CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer.

    Glenn Richter arrived at a West Side synagogue on Monday to collect surplus bagels — fresh nutritious bagels — to donate to the poor. However, under a new edict from Bloomberg’s food police he can no longer donate the food to city homeless shelters.
    Michael Bloomberg Strikes Again: New York City Bans Food Donations To The Homeless « CBS New York
  • Nov 10, 2012, 06:30 AM
    Not surprised. Nannies aren't known for exercising common sense any more. It's like my buddy that feeds the homeless every Sunday night when no one else does, the nanny says he needs a "certified kitchen" so they don't get poisoned or something. Never mind no one has gotten sick in the 4 years or so he's done this... better they go hungry than eat food that isn't nanny-approved.

    Same with Obamacare, better that Sandra Fluke get her contraceptives than the church feed the homeless. Makes no sense to me, birth control pills aren't very filling I don't imagine.

    I think Bloomy is the one that needs to assess the fiber in his diet. Maybe if he weren't so constipated he could see the faces of hunger instead of a label.
  • Nov 10, 2012, 07:08 AM
    Some people don't know when to quit
  • Nov 10, 2012, 07:10 AM
    Anyone hungry that was unable to eat at a shelter because the donated food was unacceptable need to line up at his front door of his home.

    Oh wait, he can't feed them from his food either. Needs to turn them away. Any food left over rotting from the Marathon?

    New black market to be created, donated food.
  • Nov 11, 2012, 06:31 AM
    Close behind Nanny Blomberg is always a California city...


    From the City Council that declared war on trans-fats and fast-food restaurants comes the latest way to make residents feel, well, guilty about what they eat.

    The Los Angeles council, in a 14-0 vote on Friday, adopted a resolution urging residents to adopt a personal pledge to have a "meatless Monday."

    While it does not have the force of law and police will not be checking what you brought to work for lunch, city officials said they hope it will start a trend, make residents healthier and reduce the impact on the environment.

    "This follows the 'good food' agenda we recently adopted supporting local, sustainable food choices," said Councilwoman Jan Perry, who has called for a ban on new fast-food restaurants in South Los Angeles to fight obesity.

    "We can reduce saturated fats and reduce the risk of heart disease by 19 percent," Perry said. "While this is a symbolic gesture, it is asking people to think about the food choices they make. Eating less meat can reverse some of our nation's most common illnesses."

    Councilman Ed Reyes, who joined with Perry in proposing the resolution, said one of his sons has been diagnosed with diabetes.

    "The issue is how does a local municipality engage in this and how do we create change," Reyes said. "If we do it one plate at time, one meal, one day, we are ratcheting down the impact on our environment. We start with one day a week and then, who knows, maybe we can change our habits for a lifetime."

    The proposal was developed by the Food Policy Council, which has a goal of "creating more and better food jobs" and encouraging food companies and small food enterprises as part of a bigger agenda to encourage healthy foods in the city.
    Yeah, yeah it's symbolic but they want to ban new fast food restaurants and engineer change. Why is it all you libs whine and moan about choice and government interfering our
    Lives, but that's exactly what you WANT to do? It's none of your damn business what I eat.
  • Nov 11, 2012, 06:33 AM
    New rationing rules here . Your gas can can't be bigger that 16 oz.
  • May 25, 2013, 05:23 AM
    We are way overdue for a nanny state update, this one courtesy of the EU they want to save you from olive oil. No, really.


    LONDON — Even the most fervent supporters of the European Union would acknowledge that its bureaucrats occasionally display an unrivaled talent for shooting themselves in the foot.

    At a time of declining public enthusiasm for the pan-European project, Brussels has set aside time from tackling a chronic economic crisis to confront the pressing issue of how olive oil is served in the Continent’s restaurants.

    In a move that has been seized upon by so-called Euroskeptics as further proof of mindless interference by a faceless bureaucracy, the European Commission has announced a ban on offering olive oil in dipping bowls and refillable jugs.

    From Jan. 1 next year, restaurants will only be allowed to provide the product in sealed, clearly labeled, and non-reusable containers.

    The French newspaper Le Figaro said it had given Euroskepticsanother issue to get their teeth into, while Reuters quoted critics of the ban as saying it would only add to the frustration of many towards a Union bureaucracy regarded as bloated and out of touch with the concerns of ordinary Europeans.

    The measure has a serious purpose, according to its proponents. Sealed containers will offer a better guarantee of hygiene, and labels will ensure the quality and authenticity of olive oils.The new rule also offers suppliers an opportunity to promote brand awareness.

    Storm in a Dipping Bowl Over Europe's Olive Oil Rule -
    Of course it does, it also perpetuates the same corporate cronyism the left allegedly despises and limits choice, but by golly the nannies can pat themselves on the back for saving you from another evil threat.
  • May 26, 2013, 05:05 AM
    Here's another one for all the nanny state lovers

    Gillard moves to ban live odds, restrict gambling ads during games
  • May 26, 2013, 07:51 AM
    Mussolini would be so proud of his political descendants.
  • May 26, 2013, 03:10 PM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    Mussolini would be so proud of his political descendants.

    Yes I think we a have a few of his actual descendants here
  • Jul 30, 2013, 01:28 PM
    The loathsome nanny state mayor (as he has become known in some conservative circles) has been rebuked again.

    Bloomberg's ban on big sodas is unconstitutional: appeals court | Reuters
  • Jul 30, 2013, 03:20 PM
    You just can't get a good ban going these days
  • Nov 8, 2013, 07:08 AM
    Hello again,

    Didja see that the nanny FDA is banning trans fats??? Why don't they MYOB?? If an American citizen wants to clog his arteries in this here country of ours, he oughta be able to. Doncha think?

  • Nov 8, 2013, 07:54 AM
    If they were talking about artificial trans fats I think they have a case . But as ususal ,they've inflated the term 'trans fats ' into a demonic boogyman. Not all trans fats are bad for you ;and some like CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) are healthy and probably necessary fats .

    The ironic thing was that once "consensus science" had natural fats like butter as a boogy man and encouraged people to use trans fat margarines instead. Well as is most often the case ,the 'consensus science' has changed . And again the nanny state goes rushing in to control everyone's lives. Meanwhile regular public education has had a far greater impact on trans fat intake then any jackboot law the government ever made.
  • Nov 8, 2013, 08:04 AM
    From Wikipedia,


    Dietary sources of CLA,

    Kangaroo meat may have the highest concentration of CLA.[52] Food products from grass-fed ruminants (e.g. mutton and beef) are good sources of CLA, and contain much more of it than those from grain-fed animals.[53] In fact, meat and dairy products from grass-fed animals can produce 300-500% more CLA than those of cattle fed the usual diet of 50% hay and silage, and 50% grain.[54]

    Eggs from chickens that have been fed CLA are also rich in CLA, and CLA in eggs has been shown to survive the temperatures encountered during frying.[55] Clogged arteries is no fun, neither is a study diet of pesticides and chemicals often used for preservatives.

    Some mushrooms, such as Agaricus bisporus and Agaricus subrufescens, are rare nonanimal sources of CLA.[
    Its like that GMO labeling controversy. If you don't know what your eating, they can feed you anything.
  • Nov 8, 2013, 08:08 AM
    "The agency emphasized that the ruling, which is open to public comment for 60 days, was preliminary. But food producers seemed to take it in stride, in part because many had already made adjustments, "
  • Nov 8, 2013, 08:40 AM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    "The agency emphasized that the ruling, which is open to public comment for 60 days, was preliminary. But food producers seemed to take it in stride, in part because many had already made adjustments, "

    Yup ,the market rules. The public just isn't buying trans fat foods as much as they used to ,so the food companies have begun to address market demand.
  • Nov 8, 2013, 08:44 AM
    Exactly. We do look at the labels.
  • Nov 8, 2013, 01:33 PM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello again,

    Didja see that the nanny FDA is banning trans fats??? Why don't they MYOB?? If an American citizen wants to clog his arteries in this here country of ours, he oughta be able to. Doncha think?


    Well you see Ex it isn't a constitutional right. The founders gave you only one route for self defense, the government can regulate these things
  • Dec 1, 2013, 10:29 AM
    Hello again,

    Is football the new tobacco?? Is it gonna become illegal, or unrecognizable? Will nanny Obama make flag football the norm?


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