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  • Oct 8, 2012, 05:47 AM
    My boyfriend says he needs to focus on himself and figure out what he wants out of life
    My boyfriend of 2.5 years recently broke up with me. He admits that he is struggling with some serious depression. In fact, he even went to the doctor and got some anti-depressants and has just started therapy with a counselor. He said that he needs to figure out what is going to make him happy in his life and that he can't give me what I deserve. He said that he needs to focus on himself and figuring out what he wants out of life.

    We didn't have any major issues in our relationship. I thought things were going well. We had just started discussing moving in together, which was actually his idea.

    So, what do I do? I've been trying really hard to respect his choices and give him space. I have only contacted him once in the last two weeks. When I asked if we could meet up and talk, he said that would not make things any easier right now. Will he come back to me? I just want him to let me help him through this tough time in his life, but he is pushing me away.
  • Oct 8, 2012, 11:13 AM
    Limb High
    Around this time last year I was going through an extremely tough time in my life. I was experiencing a deep long lasting depression and I wasn't being who I wanted to be in my relationship. I loved my girl and I figured the least selfish thing I could do was to let her go, so I pushed her away fiercely. Anyway after I had time to myself I realized that I was providing a permanent solution to a temporary problem and I realized that I had done the wrong thing.
    What I'm saying is, is that when a man goes through a stressful time he tries to remove himself from stressful situations. Even if a relationship is great, it still requires a lot of effort, something he may not be willing, or able to provide at this point. What I suggest is showing him kind gestures, and expecting nothing in return, such as sending him a gift. Also, be very patient : )
  • Oct 8, 2012, 03:48 PM
    Im going through the same thing... I was pushed away by my boyfriend of 7 yrs... he is an alcoholic and likes to hang with friends.. he is 48... he broke up cause I wanted more and to go to the next level... he said he was scared and didn't know what he was going through but needed time alone to see if he could be the man I need him to be... he has been gone 18 months... no contact the last 5 months... up to that point we text and talked on phone but never saw each other and he would get angry any time I mentioned our relationship!! I love him and want him back... our relationship was great.. we never had any problems before... Do you think I need to give up or just how patient can I be 18 mo is a long time.. but I think of him everyday many times a day
  • Oct 8, 2012, 04:18 PM
    Homegirl 50
    You leave him alone. Tell him you are there if he wants to talk and when he gets himself together to give you a call.
    In the meantime, go on with your life. There is really nothing you can do for him.

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