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  • Sep 27, 2012, 12:49 PM
    Severe brain fog
    I have severe brain fog and have had most of my life. Little over 12 years ago I started asking doctors about my brain fog and what could be the cause of it.
    There conclusion was depression. They gave me all kind of medicine, and not 1 of those medicines had any effect on me.

    Few years ago, I was browsing the internet when by coincidence; I found an article about mercury poisoning and amalgam fillings. Few months later I had them all removed. And the same day of removal I felt better. Just few days after, the brain fog was not as severe as before, but still I had brain fog.

    I had underactive thyroid which is now normal, I currently have hormonal imbalance.

    Recently I started eating peanuts, and allot of them. It seems to clear my brain fog for the day; the more I eat the more mental clarity I have. I also feel more energy, not sleepy and tired like most of the time. But the next day brain fog is back, so I eat allot of peanuts again to rid the brain fog. Downside is, I feel really bloated and my stomach hurts after few days of eating allot of peanuts.
    I eat Hoodys roasted in-shell peanuts.

    I have been too many doctors and there is always the same answer, it’s in my head. So please don´t tell me to talk to a health care professional, because I already have tried that many times.

    Is there anyone out there who has any idea what it could be that makes my brain fog disappear by eating allot of peanuts.
  • Sep 27, 2012, 01:51 PM
    Sorry, beats me and I have heard and seen a lot of things in my work, but am at a loss to explain the brain fog and peanuts. Maybe not all in your head, but now in your stomach.

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