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  • Aug 6, 2012, 10:22 AM
    I want to be a dancer any help?
    So right now I am a cheerleader and I do this competitvly. I have been cheering for 8 years now and am on a level 4 team. I have my standing tuck and layout and handspring handspring tuck and front tuck and level 5 skills but I'm not sure if I want to cheer anymore. I still love the sport but just last year one of my friends quit cheer and went to dance she said it was really fun and I kept thinking you wasted a lot of tumbling in my opinion. But I went over to her house and she showed me all the acro tricks and dance steps and jumps and I could do them pretty good she even said I was better than some of the girls she takes classes with! And now I've been having this urge to dance I always walk around my house doing dance step and leaps and I want to wear the crops tops and wear jazz shoes. I even asked for dance tights for christmas I would have no where to wear them! And to make my urge even better I've been watching dance moms too. I just love everything about dance even the struggle and pain to get there so I was wondering should I dance or cheer? I don't know how to tell my moom will she get mad?
  • Aug 6, 2012, 10:26 AM
    A cheerleader's career ends by college graduation. A dancer's career ends only when she can't move any longer.

    I'd go with the dancing and learn all different kinds including disco, the Lindy, the waltz, etc.

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