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  • Jul 24, 2012, 05:58 PM
    I really want to find a old friend. How can I?
    So first of she is called rachel ( that's all I know)also I have a picture of when she was younger , she will be aged 11-13 know . I have looked on Wedsites for a year and that is how desperate I am to find her . Please help!!
  • Jul 24, 2012, 06:17 PM

    Originally Posted by amskie12 View Post
    So first of she is called rachel ( thats all i know)also i have a picture of when she was younger , she will be aged 11-13 know . I have looked on Wedsites for a year and that is how desperate I am to find her . Please help!!!!!!!!!!

    She's a friend but all you know about her is her first name and what she looked like some years ago?

    Impossible to find her with so little information.

    When you are older you can search school reunion sites, go back to where you knew her, ask questions.
  • Jul 24, 2012, 06:20 PM
    Sorry, but do you know how many 11-13 year old girls named Rachel there are in the world?

    Even with a last name it would be tough to find her. Without a last name there's no hope at all.
  • Jul 24, 2012, 06:35 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    She's a friend but all you know about her is her first name and what she looked like some years bssible to find her with so little information

    When you are older you can search school reunion sites, go back to where you knew her, ask questions.

    Hi I know what she looked looked ages ago. How will I be able to and the picture ( if I'm aloud)
  • Jul 24, 2012, 06:38 PM
    Sorry about that . How will I be able to send it to u of her cause then u can see the full detail
  • Jul 24, 2012, 06:38 PM

    Originally Posted by amskie12 View Post
    Hi I know what she looked looked ages ago. How will i be able to and the picture ( if I'm aloud)

    You could post it but that would invade her privacy and serve no purpose - no one here is able to "age" photographs.

    Honestly - looking for an old "friend" whose last name you do not know is rather creepy. How can you not know a friend's last name?
  • Jul 24, 2012, 06:47 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    You could post it but that would invade her privacy and serve no purpose - no one here is able to "age" photographs.

    Honestly - looking for an old "friend" whose last name you do not know is rather creepy. How can you not know a friend's last name?

    I cam remember abit more about her . She used to go to the park primary school in kingswood bristol and she left in 2007 but at the back of the photo it says October 2007 and I think that was the day she left the park primary
  • Jul 24, 2012, 07:33 PM
    In a nutshell... Nobody here will be able to find this girl for you. We do not work miracles here. You don't have a last name, no location, nothing other than an older picture. This is absolutely impossible.
  • Jul 24, 2012, 07:36 PM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    In a nutshell...Nobody here will be able to find this girl for you. We do not work miracles here. You don't have a last name, no location, nothing other than an older picture. This is absolutely impossible.

    I know a old location but it's the school. I just need to live my life crying every night . Ill ask other friends if they know her last name
  • Jul 24, 2012, 07:48 PM
    I think you are being overly dramatic here. You cry every night over this "old friend"? At your age, you should be able to find other friends and be OK with it.

    I lost touch with a lot of friends from when I was younger... I'm still here and still surviving without them.
  • Jul 24, 2012, 07:52 PM
    If you are actually and really going to bed crying over someone you have not seen in a while, don't know anything but their first name and a old photo, please get seroius professional help, since that is a very unhealthy obsession
  • Jul 24, 2012, 11:05 PM
    Bottom line, even if you knew the town she lived in, her first and last name, we still couldn't find her for you. Also, even if we could, I don't think we would. She's a child. It's creepy that you're on the internet looking for her, and it's a good thing that you don't know her last name since you obviously would have posted it here. Do not post her picture, it's not your right to do so without her permission.

    Do get help if this is keeping you up all night crying. She couldn't have been that good a friend if you can't even remember her full name.

    Good luck.
  • Jul 25, 2012, 04:59 AM

    Originally Posted by Alty View Post
    Bottom line, even if you knew the town she lived in, her first and last name, we still couldn't find her for you. Also, even if we could, I don't think we would. She's a child. It's creepy that you're on the internet looking for her, and it's a good thing that you don't know her last name since you obviously would have posted it here. Do not post her picture, it's not your right to do so without her permission.

    Do get help if this is keeping you up all night crying. She couldn't have been that good a friend if you can't even remember her full name.

    Good luck.

    His is it my folt I can't remember and no I'm not going to post the picture. No 1 don't understand!!
  • Jul 25, 2012, 05:09 AM

    Originally Posted by amskie12 View Post
    His is it my folt I can't remember and no I'm not going to post the picture. No 1 don't understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, here we go -

    First, please keep all correspondence on the Board. We are all volunteers and don't have time for off Board communications.

    Yes, I locate people. That's what I do. I do NOT locate people if I am uneasy about the reasons behind locating people or if the person making the request appears to be obsessive.

    You can't sleep at night thinking about this person whose last name you don't even recall?

    I say this with kindness but you are obsessing and you can post here 100 more times and no one is going to help you.

    Even if you have a plausible explanation for your search you are underage, a whole different problem for you (and us).
  • Jul 25, 2012, 02:51 PM
    I'm sorry! I'm just over reacting . Thank you for trying ( if u did)!!
  • Jul 25, 2012, 05:37 PM

    Originally Posted by amskie12 View Post
    I'm sorry! I'm just over reacting . Thank you for trying ( if u did)!!!

    I'm guessing that you're also around 11-13. Am I right?

    Here's what you don't understand, and why your comment "Thank you for trying (if u did)" isn't accurate.

    We can't help. Like I said, it's impossible to find someone without their last name. Even if we had her last name it's still a needle in a haystack. I have a very original last name, Google it and there are thousands of other people that have the same original last name and first name, that I do. With the info you gave, there's no way for anyone to help you find her.

    Now, here's why we won't help you. You're searching for a child. A child that's between the ages of 11-13. You also claim to be a child, a friend of hers. This is the internet. People pretend to be who they aren't all the time on the net. You could be a 50 year old man that saw this girls picture in a yearbook and now wants to find her for purposes that can't be good. You could be a father searching for his lost daughter, and don't know the last name because the mother is in a witness protection program and the name was changed, because of something you did. Yes, that's overly dramatic, but it's possible.

    The fact is, you know nothing about this girl. You only know her first name, and you don't even know how old she is, your guess has a two year gap. Why you're losing sleep and crying because you miss her, is beyond me, and makes your story even more suspicious. You only have a picture, which you were going to post, even though it's not your right to do so.

    All in all, even if we could help, which we can't, we wouldn't, because you don't know this person well enough for her to be subjected to you finding her.

    If she wanted to stay in touch, she would have, and you'd know more about her. You don't, so let it go, and get help for this obsession.
  • Jul 25, 2012, 07:39 PM
    Alty, you are very smart, and have approached this request with a lot of wisdom. I did not even pick up on the possible pedophile angle to this request. I just thought it was a poor child trying to find a longlost friend. After reading the whole thread, I read it to my children - sometimes I read different ones to them that might apply to their lives. My son instantly said it sounded like a pedophile, after merely hearing the question, even before I read any of the replies. I do not know if the OP is or isn't, but I think you have taken a wise approach to the situation. If it is a poor child looking for a longlost friend, then I feel really bad for him/her but one cannot be too careful in this day and age.

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