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  • Jul 20, 2012, 05:15 AM
    Wrong place for this but -
    Has anyone seen/heard anything from Lucky? I KNOW she's in Colorado and I think she lives in the Boulder area, near the shooting - ?

    (I was actually in Aurora last October when I visited my stepson who lives in the area.)
  • Jul 20, 2012, 05:28 AM
    I was thinking about her at work around 4 am (central time). Hope she's okay.
  • Jul 20, 2012, 05:50 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    I was thinking about her at work around 4 am (central time). Hope she's okay.

    Me, too - hope she checks in.
  • Jul 20, 2012, 05:58 AM
    I hope she does too because I REALLY need some dog help!!
  • Jul 20, 2012, 05:59 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    I hope she does too because I REALLY need some dog help!!!

    Anything you feel like sharing?
  • Jul 20, 2012, 06:05 AM
    Sure, maybe this will bring her out of the woodwork.

    My RottenLab, Kimmie, is 9 years old and a survivor of parvo. Well, here recently she has begun to bite her tail almost to the bone. There is frank bleeding when she does it. The portion of the tail closest to her hindquarters is swollen, but doesn't appear to be infected. There is no discoloration, odor, pain to the touch, or fever. Her appetite is fine, she's eating and drinking.

    I know, take her to the vet, and we will, I just have to get through this weekend. Can't afford an emergency vet bill, as you know, we are still upside down on the almost million dollar gun shop (hubby's still not able to find work) and have just paid my daughter's first semester of college. So the pickin's are slim around here.

    The nurse in me tells me to clean it with peroxide and spray a canine antiseptic spray on it and wrap it with gauze.

    Just wondering if there is anything else I can do through the weekend. And if anyone has any ideas on what it can be. We give all the dogs Comfortis monthly, so there are no fleas.
  • Jul 20, 2012, 07:01 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    Sure, maybe this will bring her out of the woodwork.

    My RottenLab, Kimmie, is 9 years old and a survivor of parvo. Well, here recently she has begun to bite her tail almost to the bone. There is frank bleeding when she does it. The portion of the tail closest to her hindquarters is swollen, but doesn't appear to be infected. There is no discoloration, odor, pain to the touch, or fever. Her appetite is fine, she's eating and drinking.

    I know, take her to the vet, and we will, I just have to get through this weekend. Can't afford an emergency vet bill, as you know, we are still upside down on the almost million dollar gun shop (hubby's still not able to find work) and have just paid my daughter's first semester of college. So the pickin's are slim around here.

    The nurse in me tells me to clean it with peroxide and spray a canine antiseptic spray on it and wrap it with gauze.

    Just wondering if there is anything else I can do through the weekend. And if anyone has any ideas on what it can be. We give all the dogs Comfortis monthly, so there are no fleas.

    Wow - no, I'm not going to tell you to rush to the Vet. I know you love your dogs, and I also know you were/are backed up against a wall.

    Hopefully someone who knows will come along - I've seen anxiety chewing on front legs and paws, sometimes back, never the tail.

    Lucky! Where are you! (For two reasons)
  • Jul 20, 2012, 07:03 AM
    I would use antiseptic but not wrap it, just leave it open.

    Use something strong smelling like Vicks Vapor Rub above and below the wound the deter her from chewing it further. If that doesn't work you can try an e-collar until it heals.
    Often they will start and it develop into either a) a habit or b) it continues to hurt because they keep chewing it and the cycle just keeps going.

    As for Lucky I last heard from her 9 hours ago.
  • Jul 20, 2012, 07:09 AM
    e-collar ( the cone of shame) doesn't work, she still gets to it.

    If I leave it open she just chews it to the core and there is blood everywhere. However, I didn't even consider Vicks!

    I can't wait to try the Vicks. I just wrapped it, and she's sleeping. I should be sleeping too.

    I'll pass the word to hubby tonight about the Vicks. I'm crossing my fingers that it works!
  • Jul 20, 2012, 07:10 AM
    The shooting was at a midnight release of the batman movie. Wondering if it is possible that Shaz heard from her after it.
  • Jul 20, 2012, 07:13 AM
    Mogrann, none of us have heard from here, and time zone wise I am the closest to her.
  • Jul 20, 2012, 07:23 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    Sure, maybe this will bring her out of the woodwork.

    My RottenLab, Kimmie, is 9 years old and a survivor of parvo. Well, here recently she has begun to bite her tail almost to the bone. There is frank bleeding when she does it. The portion of the tail closest to her hindquarters is swollen, but doesn't appear to be infected. There is no discoloration, odor, pain to the touch, or fever. Her appetite is fine, she's eating and drinking.

    I know, take her to the vet, and we will, I just have to get through this weekend. Can't afford an emergency vet bill, as you know, we are still upside down on the almost million dollar gun shop (hubby's still not able to find work) and have just paid my daughter's first semester of college. So the pickin's are slim around here.

    The nurse in me tells me to clean it with peroxide and spray a canine antiseptic spray on it and wrap it with gauze.

    Just wondering if there is anything else I can do through the weekend. And if anyone has any ideas on what it can be. We give all the dogs Comfortis monthly, so there are no fleas.

    Anal glands are bothering her perhaps?
    Sometimes they scoot, sometimes they chew.
    They are pretty easy to check yourself, if you don't mind the mess and smell, that is.

    Hope everything is well with Lucky.
  • Jul 20, 2012, 07:23 AM
    Shaz had posted she had heard from her 9 hours ago.. I am unsure if that was after or not. Sorry for not being clearer. She did post that in this thread.
  • Jul 20, 2012, 07:38 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    e-collar ( the cone of shame) doesn't work, she still gets to it.

    Love that movie - watched it with stepgrandchildren, then watched it alone - and watched it alone - and watched it alone.
  • Jul 20, 2012, 11:21 PM
    Hey all! I'm doing fine. I actually live 2 hours away from Aurora... So I was pretty safe :) Thanks for checking up on me... I know lots of people in the Aurora/Denver area, so it did hit home a little bit. None of my friends were affected that I know of..

    Sorry I haven't been on here lately.. the questions asked started turning repeatitive and I needed a break lol

    And I have a FB if you all want to keep tabs on me :P

    As for the dog problem.. I'm thinking a reaction to something. If the anus itself isn't swollen, I wouldn't think it would be an anal gland problem.. You could always stick your finger up there and see if its swollen on the inside. Anal glands are located towards the bottom of the anus.. located at 4 and 8'o clock.. If you decide to check it out for yourself, I wouldn't recommend expressing them.. If they happen to be infected or plugged up, you could hurt him real bad..
  • Jul 21, 2012, 12:56 AM

    Originally Posted by Lucky098 View Post
    Hey all! I'm doing fine. I actually live 2 hours away from Aurora... So I was pretty safe :) Thanks for checking up on me... I know lots of people in the Aurora/Denver area, so it did hit home a little bit. None of my friends were affected that I know of..

    Sorry I havent been on here lately.. the questions asked started turning repeatitive and I needed a break lol

    And I have a FB if you all want to keep tabs on me :P

    As for the dog problem.. I'm thinking a reaction to something. If the anus itself isnt swollen, I wouldnt think it would be an anal gland problem.. You could always stick your finger up there and see if its swollen on the inside. Anal glands are located towards the bottom of the anus.. located at 4 and 8'o clock.. If you decide to check it out for yourself, I wouldnt recommend expressing them.. If they happen to be infected or plugged up, you could hurt him real bad..

    YAY!! There you are! So happy that you are okay! We all were quite concerned.

    The anus itself isn't swollen and I'm leaning toward a reaction to something, but what is the million dollar question.
  • Jul 21, 2012, 04:22 AM

    Originally Posted by Lucky098 View Post
    Hey all! I'm doing fine. I actually live 2 hours away from Aurora... So I was pretty safe :) Thanks for checking up on me... I know lots of people in the Aurora/Denver area, so it did hit home a little bit. None of my friends were affected that I know of..

    Sorry I havent been on here lately.. the questions asked started turning repeatitive and I needed a break lol

    And I have a FB if you all want to keep tabs on me :P

    As for the dog problem.. I'm thinking a reaction to something. If the anus itself isnt swollen, I wouldnt think it would be an anal gland problem.. You could always stick your finger up there and see if its swollen on the inside. Anal glands are located towards the bottom of the anus.. located at 4 and 8'o clock.. If you decide to check it out for yourself, I wouldnt recommend expressing them.. If they happen to be infected or plugged up, you could hurt him real bad..

    I was really getting concerned. Good new that you are OK.

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