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  • Mar 3, 2007, 04:14 PM
    Clear/white hard stuff on root of pubic hair shafts
    Hey all,

    For the past year after I first shaved my pubic hair area I have been getting frequent redness and bumps in my pubic hair area. Sometimes I will get pimples that last for several does and once in a while I will get larger things that resemble boils. However recently I've been experiencing prickly sensations when my clothing rubs up against a few of my pubic hairs. So being irritated I started to pluck the offending hairs out. Underneath the offending hairs is usually an inch long patch of skin that slightly red but not really itchy or painful at all. Anyway, when I pull some of the hairs out they will have a clearish/whitish hard and thick coating of something down by the root while others will have basically nothing on the root. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know what it could be and why I am frequently getting this redness when I haven't actually shaved down there with a razor in almost a year's time?

  • Mar 3, 2007, 04:17 PM
    It's the root of your hair you just pulled it all out stop woring try not to cut your hair from a month or two to let the roots get healthy the cut again you should only cut down there twice a month or once a week
  • Feb 20, 2010, 01:50 PM
    Damoninjailagain is right. It's just the root of the hair. If you Google hair root and look at images... you'll see two of them right there. You don't have an infection- and he wasn't saying that how often you shave has anything to do with it. He was just giving you a tip. And you never said you stopped shaving...
  • Mar 6, 2010, 10:49 PM

    If you decide to shave again or continue getting the pimple like things, apply cortisone cream after showering. I have found that if I use this after shaving it stops them from forming from the irritation.
  • Dec 14, 2010, 07:21 AM
    Its not the root of your hair... I have the same things growing in my head and I don't shave it... its a thick/clear gel-looking type film coated around the root... it hurts when touched and I have a few small bald spots in my head from trying to pluck it out... I don't know what it is but I would like someone with some real answers to help me/us out
  • Dec 29, 2010, 07:23 PM
    I don't have an answer, but I have a similar problem. The pubic hairs on my taint, between my legs, have a thin white film or crust around them, mostly around the base of each hair. I have no other symptoms - no itching, no redness, no discomfort - just a thin layer of white buildup on the hairs. The white stuff is hard to get off, and never fully comes off, even when I scrub. When I try to slide the white stuff off with my fingers, the whole hair usually comes out. I don't know what I have or what to do about it. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Jan 14, 2011, 07:14 AM
    I have the same problem, but it's on the right side of my face; facial hair area. I now have several scars as a result of trying to pull that stuff out. I wish I knew what it was, but I'm clueless too! I don't think it's the root either. Until about 2 years ago, I've never plucked hairs like these. I've been having a problem with this area for the past 3 years or so. It all started with folliculitis, then I got a huge boil on the right side of my chin... all in that same area. I also get ingrown hairs (I think that's what they are, they're weird looking and hard to get out) I think they've all been related somehow, or it's a big coincidence that it has all occurred in the same area. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.
  • Sep 16, 2011, 02:40 PM
    Great news, you don't have some weird fungus or bacterial infection. It's naturally occurring oil called 'sebum', and you're most likely noticing it as a result of plucking and your body producing more of this oil to help lubricate. Stop playing with your balls. No in all honesty; it's normal for it to be there, and if you follow damoninjailagain's advice on only shaving twice a month (or use a trimmer for that devil-may-care look), it will stop becoming as noticeable.
  • Feb 7, 2012, 09:20 PM
    @ welville4 and anybody with similar symptoms of a "white crust" encasing most of the showing hair, I researched it a while ago as I have it in my armpits.

    It's called Trichomycosis. Search it in Google images and you'll find it's exactly what you have. It's some form of bacterial infection, but I can't remember the details.

    As for the actual topic which brought me here.
    My inner thighs chaff a little and the skin seems to die and flake off there and end up red. Not sure why, but when I start flaking it off purposefully I get the urge to pull at the hairs as well.
    I get this white, semi transparent film over the root of the hair and can clearly see the dark root at the very base of it. There is no pain associated with pulling out these hairs, nor is the area sensitive at all. The hairs that don't have this white, semi transparent film over it, are slightly painful to pull out though, like a hair usually is. If I tug on the hair gently, I can even determine which ones have it, because it will slightly pull out of the follicle, at which point I can just pull and it removes with very little effort and absolutely no pain.

    I don't shave that area either. It's also the only area it appears to happen. More so on my left thigh than my right. The closest image I can find is:

    Though even that's incorrect. It's far more cylindrical and 'perfectly formed' looking and goes the entire way to the tip of the root and encases it completely.

    So, people who want to say "its just the hair root" or "its normal", it clearly isn't the root because I can see the root inside of it. It has nothing to do with shaving because I don't shave my inner thighs... and it really doesn't seem normal, because I can remove a hair from anywhere else on my body and not have this white, semi transparent casing around the root.
  • Feb 16, 2012, 07:12 AM
    Well, If you pull a hair out fast enough, the root will come out with the hair. This happens to me too. If you pull any hairs super fast,you will get a fat,waxy, root every time! Anyway this isn't an infection, just the hair root. And if the root has a black dot on the end of it, its just the bulb of the hair(the place that connects your hair to your follicle). Hope this helped!
  • Oct 5, 2013, 07:09 PM
    That stuff is part of the natural hair cycle.
    It's when the hair enters the Telogen phase.

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