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  • Mar 1, 2007, 09:54 AM
    A little harsh.

    There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections, all government business will be conducted in our language.

    Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.

    Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.

    Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs.

    Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.

    If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT options will be restricted. You are not allowed waterfront property. That is reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.

    Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign flag, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies, if you do you will be sent home.

    If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down and sent straight to jail.

    Harsh, you say?.

    The above laws happen to be the immigration laws of " MEXICO " !
  • Mar 1, 2007, 10:27 AM
    Wow! That blows me away. I'm speechless. I knew Mexico had harsh jails, but I really was ignorant to all of this. I really was sure that you were going to say that these were US laws, and I was going to be all over you with facts and figures. I'm just curious. If foreigners are not allowed to own waterfront property, what's up with all the mansions, resorts, and bars in Cancun, Cabo, etc? Do Mexicans really own all those businesses? If so, shouldn't their economy be a little better? I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just wondering how one would go through the government loop holes. (Maybe like Africa, you can get anything for the right amount paid to a government official?)
  • Mar 1, 2007, 11:17 AM
    For the right price, one can only lease.
  • Mar 1, 2007, 12:59 PM
    Thank you for the post! People in the US just do not realize life outside their own box. Try doing drugs in Turkey - you got no rights there. Try exercising your "freedom of speech" in Central America. The list goes on.
  • Mar 5, 2007, 10:27 PM
    This is a great post. I don't think some people realize how bad the illegal immigration problem is the U.S. I live in Florida and they are absolutely taking American jobs, and I do mean American jobs that Americans want and anybody that says otherwise is completely clueless. The worst part is they talk about how great Mexico is yet they won't go home and they won't assimilate legally. Yet the Mexican government won't do anything to help the US and if you dare speak up you called a racist because nobody can argue facts anymore without calling someone that ends in "ist." The whole thing is pathetic and yet if the roles were reversed you see that we, with our superior education would still not be accepted into there country.
  • Mar 6, 2007, 09:55 AM

    Originally Posted by chuff
    This is a great post. I don't think some people realize how bad the illegal immigration problem is the U.S. I live in Florida and they are absolutely taking American jobs, and I do mean American jobs that Americans want and anybody that says otherwise is completely clueless. The worst part is they talk about how great Mexico is yet they won't go home and they won't assimilate legally. Yet the Mexican government won't do anything to help the US and if you dare speak up you called a racist because nobody can argue facts anymore without calling someone that ends in "ist." The whole thing is pathetic and yet if the roles were reversed you see that we, with our superior education would still not be accepted into there country.

    We must be Politically Correct. Just another way of getting in trouble for telling the whole truth!
  • Mar 6, 2007, 10:25 AM

    Originally Posted by magprob
    We must be Politically Correct. Just another way of getting in trouble for telling the whole truth!

    Hello magprob:

    Well, I'm glad you wanted the WHOLE truth, cause here it comes.

    There is no “they” in illegal immigration. You point to a group and say “they're” to blame. But, THEY'RE not. They're only doing what you would do in the same situation. No, you say. You wouldn't do THAT.

    Well, let me ask you this. You live in Idaho. What if there weren't jobs in Idaho, but Washington has good work. But, Washington doesn't want Idahoans in Washington (some Washingtonians think Idahoans are kind of brown), so they made it illegal for you to cross the border.

    Oh, you can go wait at the immigration window for a few years, and if you've paid off the right people, you can get in. But, your family is hungry NOW, and all you got to do is walk across. You don't want to steal anything. All you want to do is wash dishes at Denny's. That way, your family can eat.

    But, no. You're going to let them starve. Sure you are…………..

    If there's a bad guy here, it's YOUR government for not letting in enough workers to fill the jobs, and they're still not. Why?? Because they know you'll buy into pointing the finger at brown skinned people.

    And, you do buy into it – you do. Tsk, tsk tsk. I, however, didn't drink the koolaid.

  • Mar 6, 2007, 01:45 PM
    Well then, let me toast you my friend, with my big cold glass of Jim Jones and a smile. That was very politically correct of you. Just about as reality based as the politicians you echo.
  • Mar 6, 2007, 02:31 PM
    Last I checked -- I am not in Mexico
    It sounds like you have never had hungry kids, its quite easy to sit in a nice house and look down on the poor and needy isn't it? Hum-- I recall you're a " good Christian to arn`t you?
    One good smile is the way you semi take credit for the words above -- Savage
  • Mar 6, 2007, 03:02 PM

    Originally Posted by excon
    Hello magprob:

    Well, I’m glad you wanted the WHOLE truth, cause here it comes.

    There is no “they” in illegal immigration. You point to a group and say “they’re” to blame. But, THEY’RE not. They’re only doing what you would do in the same situation. No, you say. You wouldn’t do THAT.

    Well, let me ask you this. You live in Idaho. What if there weren’t jobs in Idaho, but Washington has good work. But, Washington doesn’t want Idahoans in Washington (some Washingtonians think Idahoans are kinda brown), so they made it illegal for you to cross the border.

    Oh, you can go wait at the immigration window for a few years, and if you’ve paid off the right people, you can get in. But, your family is hungry NOW, and all you gotta do is walk across. You don’t want to steal anything. All you want to do is wash dishes at Denny’s. That way, your family can eat.

    But, no. You’re going to let them starve. Sure you are…………..

    If there’s a bad guy here, it’s YOUR government for not letting in enough workers to fill the jobs, and they’re still not. Why??? Because they know you’ll buy into pointing the finger at brown skinned people.

    And, you do buy into it – you do. Tsk, tsk tsk. I, however, didn’t drink the koolaid.


    Yep, when you don't like the facts just call someone a racist. Classy.
  • Mar 6, 2007, 03:25 PM

    Originally Posted by chuff
    Yep, when you don't like the facts just call someone a racist. Classy.

    To be honest I didn't see anyone call anyone 'racist'.
  • Mar 6, 2007, 03:30 PM
    Worse, they called me a Christian. I'm going to go jump off the Snake River Canyon!
  • Mar 6, 2007, 03:44 PM
    LolI am not a "they" --will have to go back and check some of your earlier posts I guess -- savage
  • Mar 6, 2007, 04:00 PM
    If you're going to excuse one law (immigration) because someone's kids were hungry and a person had no opportunity to better themselves, then you need to excuse all other laws (like selling drugs, prostitution, cheating the IRS, etc, etc, etc) that are done in the name of bettering oneself and feeding one's children.

    I don't blame them for coming here. Don't blame me for wanting to send them back until they come here legally.

    If we need to "be better people" and "help those in need", we'd need to start with revamping the country of Mexico -- which would involve invasion, since they wouldn't take our help (read: interference in their bribery system) revamping their country without forcing it on them. After all--why SHOULD they improve their country? They can just go to America, where all the improvements are done FOR them!

    My ancestors were immigrants, and I still think immigration is important.

    I think laws are more important, though, and there are laws that deal with immigration.
  • Mar 6, 2007, 04:31 PM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    To be honest I didn't see anyone call anyone 'racist'.

    What I was responding to was this


    Originally Posted by excon
    Well, let me ask you this. You live in Idaho. What if there weren’t jobs in Idaho, but Washington has good work. But, Washington doesn’t want Idahoans in Washington (some Washingtonians think Idahoans are kinda brown), so they made it illegal for you to cross the border.

    Never mind the fact that two states are different then two countries this poster feels the need to include the fact that “Idahoans are kinda brown.”

    The poster then follows up with this


    Originally Posted by excon
    there’s a bad guy here, it’s YOUR government for not letting in enough workers to fill the jobs, and they’re still not. Why??? Because they know you’ll buy into pointing the finger at brown skinned people.

    And, you do buy into it – you do. Tsk, tsk tsk. I, however, didn’t drink the koolaid.


    That’s what I was referring too.
  • Mar 6, 2007, 04:40 PM

    Originally Posted by Synnen
    If you're going to excuse one law (immigration) because someone's kids were hungry and a person had no opportunity to better themselves, then you need to excuse all other laws (like selling drugs, prostitution, cheating the IRS, etc, etc, etc) that are done in the name of bettering oneself and feeding one's children.

    Exactly. There are American kids hungry and there are American parents that could use those American jobs to earn American money to keep in the American economy to feed their American kids before someone of another country somehow gets a free pass to break our American laws.
  • Mar 6, 2007, 05:10 PM

    Originally Posted by chuff
    Exactly. There are American kids hungry and their are American parents that could use those American jobs to earn American money to keep in the American economy to feed their American kids before someone of another country somehow gets a free pass to break our American laws.

    That's really funny being as I farmed for 15 years growing truck crops -- do you know how many Americans applied for a job?0- a big fat 0. every year 4 or 5 south of the border boys would apply but NO Americans.We had crops to get in to feed you and your kids, guess what, we hired who applied.--Savage
  • Mar 6, 2007, 05:33 PM

    Originally Posted by TheSavage
    Thats really funny being as I farmed for 15 years growing truck crops -- do you know how many Americans applied for a job?0- a big fat 0. every year 4 or 5 south of the border boys would apply but NO Americans.We had crops to get in to feed you and your kids, guess what, we hired who applied.--Savage

    Sounds like the farming company didn't do a very good job of marketing the 4 or 5 positions they had available every year to Americans.

    You know what else is funny, I live near Disney which is this huge amusement park in Kissimmee, Florida. They have thousands of Americans apply for jobs yet still hire hundreds of illegals for good paying, responsible, quality jobs. You know what else is funny, There are construction companies that all over Orlando that hire illegals and pay them anywhere from $15 to $25 an hour that many Americans would do. It's no better in Tampa where a there is actually a part of the city where the illegals stay. But they work everywhere in good paying, quality jobs.
  • Mar 6, 2007, 05:44 PM
    Farming company? Just wait till that really comes along [which it will with all the small farmers going under]. You think the cost of living is high now.
    " marketing" the job as field hand?If a real man want a jobs -- he hunts for it -- he does not sit on his butt waiting for the job to come to him.
    I see though --the problem with illegals is just THEM,its not that big bizz will hire them its just THEM. Those companies are all saying that they would rather break the law than hire legal help I guess, so they just kept passing on all those Americans that must be applying.-- Savage
  • Mar 6, 2007, 10:56 PM
    I know I have not been here in awhile... but I have one question... why are americans better than people in another country... such as Mexico?? We are not better... we were born with more opportinity, so why does that make us able to prevent others from getting it too? For those of you who are religious... God made the whole earth, and who gave anyone a right to say who can and can't live somewhere... that is not my role as an American.
    Now, I am a social worker, and I do understand the politics, the pros, and the cons of immigration... and see it first hand every day. I do know how americans have to do more to allow immigration in this country, and I do know that it is costing americans a lot of money... but who gave us the right to live better and not want any interruptions?
    I know I didn't hear the word "better" in any posts, but that is how some of this conversation is feeling to me.
    I am not really on either side, but I thought iw ould throw my thought out there after reading this. Don't throw anything at me, just playing devils advocate!

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