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  • Jun 3, 2012, 10:20 AM
    Louisiana and Florida Probation
    I was convicted and sentenced to 3 years in prison in Florida followed by 7 years of probation with early termination in 3.5 years. When I was released, almost one year ago, I transferred to Louisiana. I was recently charged with a misdemeanor and I am wondering what will happen. Will Florida find out? And what if the charges are dropped? Please help!
  • Jun 3, 2012, 10:52 AM
    Frank Mangrum
    It is as if you are on the wrong road to a good life. Yes Florida will find out that you can't behave yourself and most likely you may be back in the slammer. Find new friends and get a life unless you like being incarcerated. I wish you well friend. It may be in your best interest to notify your probation offercer as to what has transpired------He or she will be better to answer your question's --- best of luck and stay out of trouble.
  • Jun 3, 2012, 11:08 AM
    When you transferred your probation Louisiana you were given a probation officer and you are required to report your misdemeanor to them. Not reporting it, is a much more serious violation. So of course they will know since you will tell your PO about it.
  • Jun 3, 2012, 12:21 PM
    Is my Louisiana probation officer required to let Florida know? Or is it at his discretion? Thanks!
  • Jun 3, 2012, 12:46 PM
    They will do everything in LA, why do you keep talking about Florida, LA will or can revoke you and you will be held in a LA jail The probation officer in LA does not have to "report" this to anyone but the Probation department in LA.

    For what it is worth, once reported it is in your file, and anyone and everyone knows about it.
  • Jun 3, 2012, 12:55 PM
    Frank Mangrum

    Originally Posted by Byran View Post
    Is my Louisiana probation officer required to let Florida know? Or is it at his discretion? Thanks!

    Byran, It is "Yes" for first question (It will be in your file) and "no" to second question. Depending on what you did will determine if the outcome will be "good" or "bad".----Best wishes. You may have very little to worry about or not. Was it something as simple as a parking ticket?-------If so don't sweat it. Just see your PO and see where you stand---get it over with. -------If you need a LA lawyer ---Shreveport area--- I may can help. I question your obsession with Florida?
  • Jun 3, 2012, 07:13 PM

    Originally Posted by Frank Mangrum View Post
    Byran, It is "Yes" for first question (It will be in your file) and "no" to second question. Depending on what you did will determine if the outcome will be "good" or "bad".----Best wishes. You may have very little to worry about or not. Was it something as simple as a parking ticket?-------If so don't sweat it. Just see your PO and see where you stand---get it over with. -------If you need a LA lawyer ---Shreveport area--- I may can help. I question your obsession with Florida?

    I am obsessed with Florida because they revoke your probation over nothing and anything. Thanks for your help and what attorneys do you know in Shreveport?
  • Jun 3, 2012, 08:18 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    They will do everything in LA, why do you keep talking about Florida, LA will or can revoke you and you will be held in a LA jail The probation officer in LA does not have to "report" this to anyone but the Probation department in LA.

    For what it is worth, once reported it is in your file, and anyone and everyone knows about it.

    I heard that LA will hold me until FL comes to pick me up. Thanks for your help!
  • Jun 3, 2012, 09:10 PM
    Frank Mangrum

    Originally Posted by byran View Post
    i am obsessed with florida because they revoke your probation over nothing and anything. Thanks for your help and what attorneys do you know in shreveport?

    Sorry Byran---"The Criminal Law Panel" has advised me not to specify a law firm---What can I do?
  • Jun 3, 2012, 09:23 PM
    Frank Mangrum

    Originally Posted by byran View Post
    i am obsessed with florida because they revoke your probation over nothing and anything. Thanks for your help and what attorneys do you know in shreveport?

    You are not in Florida--It makes a difference, you are in LA --this state will decide your outcome. What parrish are you located in?
  • Jun 5, 2012, 08:45 PM
    Frank Mangrum
    Byran,Is there a chance that charges may be dropped? I have not given up yet.
  • Jun 6, 2012, 06:23 AM

    Originally Posted by Frank Mangrum View Post
    Byran,Is there a chance that charges may be dropped? I have not given up yet.

    I would think if the OP had the answer to this he wouldn't be posting here. Dropped or not dropped, he's been charged and he's in violation.

    He's been charged - he needs to report it to his PO.

    As far as "knowing" Attorneys - he can call the Bar Association, ask for a referral.
  • Jun 6, 2012, 02:05 PM
    Frank Mangrum

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    I would think if the OP had the answer to this he wouldn't be posting here. Dropped or not dropped, he's been charged and he's in violation.

    He's been charged - he needs to report it to his PO.

    As far as "knowing" Attorneys - he can call the Bar Association, ask for a referral.

    Did I miss something? Could it be assumptions that I did not read into the question or what that has been discussed? It has not been stated that Bryan has or has not reported this to his PO other than your assumption. I will just stick to the facts, I find this is a better way to help. I tried to stimulate dialogue with Brian in hopes that he will get back with us so we can continue to encouarage him to do the right thing if he has not reported this to his PO as of yet. After all he did ask "what would happen if charges are dropped."--- Best wishes---fFrank----- Just trying to help Byran--- Good night to "all".
  • Jun 9, 2012, 09:54 AM
    This is a legal board. We take pride in our answers. Some of us went to law school. Others have great research skills. Others work in the legal profession in another capacity. The technical boards are VERY different from the other boards. That includes the medical boards.

    This is not a site to "stimulate dialogue" and "encouragage" people. That is for relationship threads. He asked a legal question and got legal, educated answers.

    It doesn't matter if the current misdemeanor is dropped or not dropped - he has to notify his PO.

    Maybe after you post more than 63 times you'll get the rhythm of the board. I notice you have been called to task by other members - please don't use AMHD as a chat site. I don't know what you "have not given up yet" means. It matters little where he was put on probation. It's been transferred.

    Your advice here is incorrect - he is REQUIRED to report his arrest, it's not a matter of choice. Also, the PO doesn't make the decision what happens next. The PO is duty bound to report it and the Court decides. (" It may be in your best interest to notify your probation offercer ..."
  • Jun 10, 2012, 12:03 PM

    Originally Posted by Frank Mangrum View Post
    . I will just stick to the facts, I find this is a better way to help.

    So lets stick to the facts.

    He has to report any issues with his probation to his PO. That is all that has been said. No assumptions just advice.

    Now the issue of FL vs LA. It depends on the terms of the transfer. IF LA only accepted management of his probation, then they may have to report it to FL for the decision on whether to revoke. But if LA is responsible for the sentence it will be their decision on whether to revoke. In either case, the OP needs to report to his PO. The PO will do what is required by the terms of the transfer.

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