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  • Feb 25, 2007, 06:39 AM
    Bad odor in bathroom, outdoor cats? Vs plumbing
    #1 Today, 01:31 PM
    New Member
    Join Date: Feb 2007
    Posts: 1

    Bad odor in bathroom, outdoor cats peeing vs plumbing problem

    Hi a few weeks ago I noticed what I thought to be an old poopie smell in the bathroom, in the morning, before anyone was even in there. A friend said it didn't smell like a dead animal, and related it to a possible sewer vent problem, after checking the pipes for leakage below the bathroom, in our crawl space. (he said because he is a builder he has smelled that smell before on roofs by sewer vents) The smell is clearly coming from the wall that backs up to outside, and also can be smelled by the floor in that area ( when you smell the toilet or the sink, it doesn't smell at all). A plumbler came in and said he didn't think the smell was a sewer vent, he said he tested it by flushing the toilet and filling the sink up with water. I have cleaned the wall and floor several times since, it has been a few weeks and the smell, now smells like possible urine, or like, excuse my presentation of this, but for lack of better words, like someone who is dirty, and has just gone to the bathroom pee pee. This smell occurs, first thing in the morning and persists all day, without regard to flushing toilets, running water, heat, etc.

    Here's the other situation, wev'e had a cat problem in our yard, and a friend of mine who has had cats said that outside, right by where I am having the problem inside, she said smelled like cat urine, now, I totally can't smell it myself. But maybe they are peeing in that area outside, and the smell is seeping into my house. I heard if you put mothflakes out they will not come around, and my neighbor also has agreed to stop feeding the cats. I put the mothflakes all over that area a few days ago. It still smells. I am a very clean person, and none other of my bathrooms have ever had this problem. Also if you smell where the heat is coming up , the smell is not coming up through there, it seems to be coming through the wall and the floor.
  • Feb 25, 2007, 07:18 AM
    Could it be a dead animal inside the walls? Cat urine doesn't smell like poop.
  • Feb 25, 2007, 08:48 AM
    It is definitely not a dead animal, I had a pest control guy check it out, at first it smelled like poop, now its more of like a pee pee smell at least I think so, it is not a strong urine smell, its questionable if it is urine, but it is leaning towards it. The smell though is clearly different than what it was in the beginning a few weeks ago. That's why I'm thinking possibly the cats, but if they are peeing outside, are they pooping too, I can't see the poop , the side of my house is clear to see, it is just white rocks, I would see if there was poop. Although the plumber went in my crawl space, under the bathroom, and said that they did notice a lot of mouse poop-- could it be cat poop perhaps? I don't think that the cats could get access to the crawl space, but you never know. :confused: :confused: :confused:

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