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  • May 17, 2012, 07:30 AM
    Should I ask?
    So... lately I've grown somewhat close to a girl that just got out of a relationship. She's been pressured by a lot of guys that she is not interested in... and in a month or two we'll both be going our separate ways in life it seems. The thing is, I want to ask her if we had more time, what our chances would have been. I want you guys to tell me if I should ask or not... I respect her way too much to alienate her and I don't want to make things awkward for her. I'm pretty much the only guy not drooling and stumbling all over her right now... so I'm her last real confident besides her brother. Should I ask, or would that just make me one of the bumbling iditots that keep bothering her right now?
  • May 17, 2012, 07:54 AM
    Homegirl 50
    It would make you one of the guys bothering her. If you two will be going your separate ways in a while what would be the point? Just be her friend in the now. Who knows something could bloom from that.
  • May 17, 2012, 08:41 AM
    Yes and it is a silly question, it means she was interested in you and considered longer term ideas

    You did not even say if you were dating ( did not sound like it) you were just a friend,

    Big hint, if you want to date someone, you ask them, You can ask people you don't hardly know, guess what 90 percent say no, 10 percent says yes. You don't set at home for 2 months having a dream idea of a relationship.

    When I was single I would ask out any girl I even meet slightly if they were nice and we talked for a few minutes, I had fair luck, about 1/2 would go out, I never had a dull Friday or Saturday night.

    If you want to date, then start dating
  • May 17, 2012, 08:41 AM
    Yes and it is a silly question, it means she was interested in you and considered longer term ideas

    You did not even say if you were dating ( did not sound like it) you were just a friend,

    Big hint, if you want to date someone, you ask them, You can ask people you don't hardly know, guess what 90 percent say no, 10 percent says yes. You don't set at home for 2 months having a dream idea of a relationship.

    When I was single I would ask out any girl I even meet slightly if they were nice and we talked for a few minutes, I had fair luck, about 1/2 would go out, I never had a dull Friday or Saturday night.

    If you want to date, then start dating
  • May 17, 2012, 07:51 PM

    Originally Posted by Homegirl 50 View Post
    It would make you one of the guys bothering her. If you two will be going your separate ways in a while what would be the point? Just be her friend in the now. Who knows something could bloom from that.

    Honestly... I think Homegirl is right. Unless she says something, I'll just keep to myself. She doesn't need another guy right now... she just needs a friend. Thanks.

    -you seem to reply to all of my posts, Homegirl. I appreciate it, but it won't let me give you any more reputation, I don't know why. I'll just keep trying until it lets me. You comments have been very helpful. Thank you.

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