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  • Apr 10, 2012, 06:09 AM
    3 days period delayed..
    My period is 3 days late, I usually have 28days cycle but there is one time that it became 33days but I think that was only once. I was so stressed out thinking if I'm pregnant or not, my boyfriend and I had protective sex he uses condom few weeks from now. We never had an unprotective sex. I also try to have pregnancy test but its negative. Is there a chance that I'm pregnant?
  • Apr 10, 2012, 06:17 AM
    As you know I am sure, condoms have a fairly high failure rate, used exactly right about 3 percent, and as normally used in US culture about a 10 percent failure rate. No form of birth control is 100 percent effective and if you are sexually active and do not want to become pregnant you should be doing at least two methods.

    At 3 days late it may be too early to test with a home pregnancy test, if your period has come come in one week, test again, and make sure it is using the first urine of the morning.

    Periods are not always exact, so being a few days late is often just that, a few days late.
  • Apr 10, 2012, 06:26 AM
    Even for the most regular of women 3 days is not uncommon to be late.

    If the HPT is negative now, wait a week and retake it being sure to use first morning urine. If that is still negative, wait until your next period is due to retake the HPT. Again, using first morning urine.

    Until that time, make sure that you treat yourself as if you are pregnant. No drinking or smoking. Be sure to get rest. It may also be beneficial to get some over-the-counter prenatal vitamins just in case you are pregnant.

    Many times we can be late or miss a period for no known reason.

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