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  • Mar 30, 2012, 10:35 AM
    Farewell Society
    A life of complete solitude and isolation, that's the life, right?
    A loser and loner like me does not deserve to be in society around people, besides the world is full of millions and millions of people so much better than me and with a scarcity of resources on the planet my absence would be appreciated, because resources would be diverted too much better people. Farewell.
  • Mar 30, 2012, 10:56 AM
    Wanting to leave because you've had enough or feel old and worn out, but not because you are a loser.
    Do you want to go live in isolation (impossible unless you are a true survivalist in a very remote part of the world) or do you want to stop living?
  • Mar 30, 2012, 04:10 PM
    loplop, we can see that you asked this over a month ago, so you are still around.
    My theory is to live until you die, even if you choose to die.
    You sound like you are asking for some affirmation that you are NOT a loser, truthfully.
    Here's what a good friend (who happens to be a psychologist) said to me when my husband dumped me: 'You're so depressed you aren't even putting yourself down.'
    Putting yourself down is a need to hear the opposite!
    Now loplop, you are putting yourself down, so do you want us to protest that you aren't a loser?
    You have to do that yourself. We don't know you or anything about you.
    All I can say is: live until you die.
  • Apr 12, 2012, 10:51 AM
    Alone. That's what we are all, take everything and everyone away and no one can help you, but yourself, and even if external help is available odds are it won't help you. And if you really think about it are you really even able to help yourself. If you could help yourself would you not have already done so?
  • Aug 20, 2012, 12:51 PM
    Happy Birthday to me (Aug 27)? How can someone who is truly unwanted by everyone, ignored and is seemingly doomed not only to be a social outcast, but also to be tormented by the ironic and cruel circumstances the world has inflicted upon them have a "Happy Birthday". I would hope any divine entity in exisitence would show sympathy and give me a break, some luck or some good fortune on my birthday as I hope maybe naively that everyone's birthday is happy even if mine is not.
  • Aug 20, 2012, 02:14 PM
    Hi again. Seems I'm the only one who talks to you?
    Today is not your birthday, nor mine. It is a friend of mine. Her cat has been gone for almost a week, probably eaten by a coyote or bear. A cruel birthday present.
    You still haven't said why you are unwanted and ignored by everyone, and why you are doomed.
    Yes, you are naïve.
  • Aug 28, 2012, 10:50 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Hi again. Seems I'm the only one who talks to you?
    Today is not your birthday, nor mine. It is a friend of mine. Her cat has been gone for almost a week, probably eaten by a coyote or bear. A cruel birthday present.
    You still haven't said why you are unwanted and ignored by everyone, and why you are doomed.
    Yes, you are naive.

    I am unwanted, because whenever I try to make friends they either find someone better or they simply do not like me that much.
    I am ignored, because the only comfortable way I can communicate
    Is through written word since I have a god awful voice that practically makes
    Me no better that a mute. I am doomed, because I continue to be plagued by human emotions despite my best efforts to live apathetically.
    Overall, life is torture for me. My sympathies to your friend, I hope they had a
    Happy Birthday anyway.
  • Aug 28, 2012, 11:25 AM
    I do know a lot of what you are going through. A cycle of apathy, total end-it doom, and hope, many times a day.
  • Aug 31, 2012, 11:50 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    I do know a lot of what you are going through. A cycle of apathy, total end-it doom, and hope, many times a day.

    Do not forget the cruel and ironic circumstances the world loves to dish out,
    Example seeing someone you like you and intuitively knowing they are beyond your reach and will never like you yet still liking them anyway despite everything you try to do. Only to find out they wind up liking someone not so different from yourself and knowing deep down inside no one will be like them. Or seeing someone you liked first become the object of everyone's affection and feeling so
    Left out.
  • Oct 25, 2012, 08:28 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Wanting to leave because you've had enough or feel old and worn out, but not because you are a loser.
    Do you want to go live in isolation (impossible unless you are a true survivalist in a very remote part of the world) or do you want to stop living?

    I can wait to "live in the world" until the world is without pain, suffering and misery for all and only the meek remain. Does anyone think this is possible?
  • Oct 25, 2012, 08:48 AM
    No. (Me again.)
    And I'm not going to sugar coat anything.
    You are young. I am old. I am entitled to say what you said originally, that there are so many people and so few resources.
    You want to leave because you get rejected by potential mates and have a voice you don't like. That's a reason to be depressed but not a reason to rationalize suicide.
    Is your voice high pitched for a man? There's a woman out there who doesn't mind. Or maybe hers is low for a woman. Maybe she lost her voice to throat cancer.
    Maybe you just plain aren't out and about enough, meeting people. And don't forget that male friends can introduce you to women.
  • Nov 5, 2012, 10:25 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    No. (Me again.)
    And I'm not going to sugar coat anything.
    You are young. I am old. I am entitled to say what you said originally, that there are so many people and so few resources.
    You want to leave because you get rejected by potential mates and have a voice you don't like. That's a reason to be depressed but not a reason to rationalize suicide.
    Is your voice high pitched for a man? There's a woman out there who doesn't mind. Or maybe hers is low for a woman. Maybe she lost her voice to throat cancer.
    Maybe you just plain aren't out and about enough, meeting people. And don't forget that male friends can introduce you to women.

    Believe me, constant rejection, being lonesome and pathetic is as good a reason
    To question one's existence in this world. Thank You for your words of advice, but in my experience male companions always double-cross you and always leave you worst off. I was just not made for this world might as well accept it.

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