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  • Mar 21, 2012, 06:03 PM
    Lose 40 pounds in 3 months?
    Hello, my name is Heather.. I would like to lose at most 40 pounds by mid-summer... I use to weigh 195 lbs before I got comfortable with my fiancé a few years back and now I weigh about 255 :( . He has taken me to fast food places so I've grown to like some of the foods from places such as McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Popeyes, even knowing how bad the food is. I wish to get back to 195 eventually but I can't seem to keep to a diet and exercise with being a full time college student and taking care of a family of 6 and sometimes my fiancé. And I can't find a job so I cannot afford to go to a public gym.. :( Please, Please, Please what should I do to lose weight? Someone please HELP ME!!
  • Mar 21, 2012, 09:04 PM
    Forst things first, I hate to say this, but you need to be more realistic. 40 pounds in 3 months, is a bit too high set. 40 pounds in say 6 months is a little more realistic. Just drink a lot of water and watch your portions. I am struggling with weight myself, so this is all I can really off as tips. But good luck!
  • Mar 25, 2012, 05:10 AM
    You're an addict to carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are not your friends so cut them out of your life pronto. I mean pronto. If you don't, you will not get over being an addict to them. Drug addicts are treated the same way as alcoholics, shopaholics, and other addicts. They go to rehab. You do not, however, should go to rehab for you weight issues but you really need an intervention. You need to cut carbohydrates out of your life as soon as possible so you can beat the addiction. I will give you just 3 days. I assure you, you won't get addicted to carbohydrates anymore if you just have the will for 3 days.

    So, no more bread, cakes, rice, flours, cornstarch, milk, and all those starchy foods like potatoes. Do not eat fruits. What do you need fruits for? For antioxidants? There's antioxidants out there that come in pills, tablets, or capsules. Don't listen to those people who said it's physically impossible. Once you're not an addict to carbohydrates anymore, you won't have any problems shedding off those 40 pounds in 3 months. You know what, forget 3 months. I guarantee you losing 40 pounds in just 2 months. I promise you. You will not regret listening to me.

    You know what you can only eat? Everything except carbohydrates. You hear me? Everything. So, eat bacon, cheese, almonds, fish, chicken, pork, beef, fillet mignons, rabbits, mayonnaise, butter, lard, you know what there's no more space for the full enumeration here. Of course, in order to achieve your goal faster, you should not eat if you're not hungry. When you cut carbohydrates, trust me, you won't feel hungry that much anymore. Do not skip meals. Eat 2 whole eggs and bacon fried in butter for breakfast. Then chicken and cheese for lunch. Then broccoli and fish for dinner. Do not forget to eat real mayonnaise because it will facilitate fat loss faster. Try dipping eggs or hotdogs in mayonnaise to achieve weight loss more effectively and efficiently.

    Enjoy more energy, less appetite, leaner body, and satisfaction just by following my advice. I met a lot of people who tried this and they don't sleep that much anymore because of the excess energy they're having. Check the labels on canned goods, coffee, and everything before you purchase them. Canned hot and spicy tuna in oil is great because it has 0 carbohydrates. Okay, you can have carbohydrates in your diet but do not exceed 10 grams of carbohydrates on each meal. Stay away from potatoes even if it's boiled. Take a multi-vitamin pill everyday and consume yogurt daily too. You can replace a meal for one yogurt or kefir. When your appetite is not that great anymore, then you will eventually shed off those unwanted pounds. Fight addiction. You are not to be blamed for your obesity or overweight state. It's your addiction. I hope you find this helpful.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 07:36 AM
    Healthy weight loss will not be instantaneous.
    You will need to cut out the fast food and commit yourself to a healthy exercise program.
    Please read the guidelines published by the Mayo Clinic.
    A more realistic goal for that time frame is 12-24 pounds, given that every body is different you need to set goal that is obtainable.
    Make a plan and stick to it.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 09:43 AM

    Originally Posted by Stellaw View Post
    You're an addict to carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are not your friends so cut them out of your life pronto. I mean pronto. If you don't, you will not get over being an addict to them. Drug addicts are treated the same way as alcoholics, shopaholics, and other addicts. They go to rehab. You do not, however, should go to rehab for you weight issues but you really need an intervention. You need to cut carbohydrates out of your life as soon as possible so you can beat the addiction. I will give you just 3 days. I assure you, you won't get addicted to carbohydrates anymore if you just have the will for 3 days.

    So, no more bread, cakes, rice, flours, cornstarch, milk, and all those starchy foods like potatoes. Do not eat fruits. What do you need fruits for? For antioxidants? There's antioxidants out there that come in pills, tablets, or capsules. Don't listen to those people who said it's physically impossible. Once you're not an addict to carbohydrates anymore, you won't have any problems shedding off those 40 pounds in 3 months. You know what, forget 3 months. I guarantee you losing 40 pounds in just 2 months. I promise you. You will not regret listening to me.

    You know what you can only eat? Everything except carbohydrates. You hear me? Everything. So, eat bacon, cheese, almonds, fish, chicken, pork, beef, fillet mignons, rabbits, mayonnaise, butter, lard, you know what there's no more space for the full enumeration here. Of course, in order to achieve your goal faster, you should not eat if you're not hungry. When you cut carbohydrates, trust me, you won't feel hungry that much anymore. Do not skip meals. Eat 2 whole eggs and bacon fried in butter for breakfast. Then chicken and cheese for lunch. Then broccoli and fish for dinner. Do not forget to eat real mayonnaise because it will facilitate fat loss faster. Try dipping eggs or hotdogs in mayonnaise to achieve weight loss more effectively and efficiently.

    Enjoy more energy, less appetite, leaner body, and satisfaction just by following my advice. I met a lot of people who tried this and they don't sleep that much anymore because of the excess energy they're having. Check the labels on canned goods, coffee, and everything before you purchase them. Canned hot and spicy tuna in oil is great because it has 0 carbohydrates. Okay, you can have carbohydrates in your diet but do not exceed 10 grams of carbohydrates on each meal. Stay away from potatoes even if it's boiled. Take a multi-vitamin pill everyday and consume yogurt daily too. You can replace a meal for one yogurt or kefir. When your appetite is not that great anymore, then you will eventually shed off those unwanted pounds. Fight addiction. You are not to be blamed for your obesity or overweight state. It's your addiction. I hope you find this helpful.

    The diet you recommend is dangerous. Eggs fried in bacon fat? Eggs dipped in mayo? Hot dogs (full of nitrates!) dipped in mayo?

    You can't simply recommend a diet without knowing what other health issues are involved.

    This advice is dangerous, indeed - and more preaching than advising.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 11:25 AM
    People in the past live longer than people today because their diet is composed mainly of fats and protein. Nowadays, we eat chips and other processed foods that contain cheap starches. Fats is not our enemy. It protects us from cancer. Our heart performs better by consuming omega 3 and omega 6.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 11:30 AM

    Originally Posted by Stellaw View Post
    People in the past live longer than people today because their diet is composed mainly of fats and protein. Nowadays, we eat chips and other processed foods that contain cheap starches. Fats is not our enemy. It protects us from cancer. Our heart performs better by consuming omega 3 and omega 6.

    Fat can be our enemy if we have coronary disease and/or many other health problems. Eggs fried in bacon fat protect "us" from cancer? Where are you reading that? Hot dogs (full of nitrates and other similar garbage) are protecting "us" from cancer? I thought there was research that nitrates CAUSE cancer.

    I also don't believe that people "in the past" lived longer than people do today. Wikipedia (which I do not generally like as a reference source) seems to believe that people are living longer, not shorter, lives. Life expectancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I'd like to see your reference sites.

    Maybe in a pefect World after consulting with a Physician your advice makes sense. Short of that I don't believe it does and I think it could be dangerous.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 11:37 AM
    I've experienced the weight loss myself too and been experimenting on it. If I don't consume fats, my weight loss is slower. I was obese a month ago. I lost 9 kilograms since I started the Four Corners Diet. I've met so many people who lost weight cutting out carbohydrates from their diet. But you need to take vitamins and minerals. I take a lot of Calcium and Magnesium because the I'm experiencing cramps once in awhile since I started the high-fat and high-protein diet.

    In the span of 3 years, I gained 20 kilograms. I tried everything to shed off the pounds I gained and nothing worked. I don't know if it's psychological or something but I really did feel energetic after 3 days of doing the diet. I'm really sorry if it seems dangerous. I forgot to tell you to check with your physician first before you start the diet and do some tests first and observe the results before and during the diet.

    Obesity is also dangerous. Most obese people are developing or already developed Diabetes and it's very scary because the carbohydrates make us fat.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 11:39 AM

    Originally Posted by Stellaw View Post
    I've experienced the weight loss myself too and been experimenting on it. If I don't consume fats, my weight loss is slower. I was obese a month ago. I lost 9 kilograms since I started the Four Corners Diet. I've met so many people who lost weight cutting out carbohydrates from their diet. But you need to take vitamins and minerals. I take a lot of Calcium and Magnesium because the I'm experiencing cramps once in awhile since I started the high-fat and high-protein diet.

    In the span of 3 years, I gained 20 kilograms. I tried everything to shed off the pounds I gained and nothing worked. I don't know if it's psychological or something but I really did feel energetic after 3 days of doing the diet. I'm really sorry if it seems dangerous. I forgot to tell you to check with your physician first before you start the diet and do some tests first and observe the results before and during the diet.

    Obesity is also dangerous. Most obese people are developing or already developed Diabetes and it's very scary because the carbohydrates make us fat.

    Interesting personal info - but it doesn't answer the question.

    Active lifestyles help lose weight. Counting calories helps lose weight. I've fasted in the past. Do I recommend fasting to strangers when I don't know their health history? No.

    Yes, obesity is dangerous. Diabetics are NOT advised to cut out all carbs. They are advised to COUNT carbs. There's a difference. There are good carbs and bad carbs. I know diabetes and diabetic diets - and you are incorrect.

    There is no "one diet fits all" out there.

    Please post your source that people are living shorter lives today than they were "in the past."
  • Mar 25, 2012, 11:40 AM

    Originally Posted by Stellaw View Post
    People in the past live longer than people today .

    And, again, I have to ask you to back up your claims. Just this quote is inaccurate as life expectancy has been on the increase, not decrease.

    But, even if your contention that the OP is a carb addict is accurate, giving people specific diet and medical advice without knowing more about them is dangerous. The OP is talking about an almost 20% loss of weight in 3 months. Even if she were to succeed, the health risks of such a loss could be dangerous.

    It is nice that you want to help people, but a lot of the advice you have given has not been helpful. Some have been just plain wrong and some have been dangerous.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 11:46 AM
    Yes, it could be dangerous. I'm really sorry if I didn't also mention age and other factors such as if you're a diabetic or if you have heart problems. The diet also doesn't work if you're taking medications for your illnesses. I, for instance, am not taking any prescriptive pills and I don't have heart problems and I'm still under 40 years old.

    There are a lot of people who contradict this kind of diet and so far, I haven't read about someone who died from this kind of diet or who developed kidney problems from eating a lot of protein. This diet is too risky for those who have illnesses. You have to be perfectly healthy before trying out this diet and make sure you have all your test results and check them with your physician.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 11:47 AM
    Of course people of old did not have all the air and water pollution. They ate fresh veggies and foods they often got fresh each day They also got more exercise, worked much harder. Women cleaned clothes on washing boards and heated water on the stove for bathes.

    Ate the two or three meals a day normally with no other snacks

    And if you never had fat back cooked in a pool of lard, you don't know what great food tastes like.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 11:48 AM

    Originally Posted by Stellaw View Post
    Yes, it could be dangerous. I'm really sorry if I didn't also mention age and other factors such as if you're a diabetic or if you have heart problems. The diet also doesn't work if you're taking medications for your illnesses. I, for instance, am not taking any prescriptive pills and I don't have heart problems and I'm still under 40 years old.

    There are a lot of people who contradict this kind of diet and so far, I haven't read about someone who died from this kind of diet or who developed kidney problems from eating a lot of protein. This diet is too risky for those who have illnesses. You have to be perfectly healthy before trying out this diet and make sure you have all your test results and check them with your physician.

    Here are the side effects of too much protein: 8 Side Effects of Too Much Protein. | Davey Wavey Fitness
  • Mar 25, 2012, 12:01 PM
    Don't eat corn too and never eat potatoes. I cannot stress that enough. You have to check the foods online first before purchasing or eating them. Here is a website that counts how much carbohydrates is in a type of food.

    Everything on the internet is not reliable. You won't know if something is really made by someone who's claiming them. Even from wikipedia or any other websites. You will never know if they're made by a real expert and who have taken the time to read sources from published books that has real statistics or content.

    Are my posts really that preachy? I'm really sorry about that. I'm not forcing anyone to try it out. I do believe that the fruits really made me fat in the first place.

  • Mar 25, 2012, 12:04 PM
    Please post the source for your dietary recommendations. And I agree with you - don't assume anyone who posts on the Internet is an expert unless, of course, they have a professional license in that particular area.

    I am by no means an expert. I was married to someone active in the medical community. I believe excessive protein can cause heart and kidney disease and damage (both serious, of course), constipation, arthritis and (particularly dangerous for women) bone loss. There are several sites that also state these are side effects, one of which I posted.

    When you post your info we can compare notes.

    A 20 pound weight loss made the difference between obese and normal weight - or high weight - for you? How tall are you?
  • Mar 25, 2012, 12:13 PM
    My advice is from the book Four Corners Diet. If you want to know what the book looks like it's Amazon--Four Corners Diet. It says to have your blood, blood sugar, blood pressure, and everything tested first. Check with your physician first if he approves the diet. I'm really sorry if I went directly to saying to cut carbs and consume fats without saying the very important precautions.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 01:10 PM
    I stand 5 feet and 2 inches tall and my weight went from 72 kgs down to 63 kgs in just a month. I lost 4 kgs in just 4 days into the diet. I'm 28 years old. My bmi went from 31 to 28 but I'm still overweight. I'm really sorry if I caused many people to dislike my posts. From here on in, I would post more sensitively. Thank you so much for the negative. I appreciate negative more because it tells and reminds me what to do properly.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 01:13 PM
    The Four Corners Diet Plan has been fairly well received, but is not magic and shouldn't be entered into without checking with your physician.


    Originally Posted by Stellaw View Post
    I'm really sorry if I went directly to saying to cut carbs and consume fats without saying the very important precautions.

    And that's the point. You have told people what to do when you don't have enough information to do so. In doing so you have not helped and actually given dangerous advice. Hopefully you understand this now and your future responses will be better. Lets move on from here.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 01:31 PM

    Originally Posted by Stellaw View Post
    I saw the statistics on an Atkins book, Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution (9780060012038): Robert C. Atkins: Books.
    I saw the graph that the diet of the people in the 18th century is composed of lard and meat. I just thought that nowadays, people eat a lot of carbohydrates especially french fries from Mcdonalds, big chunky fries from KFC and the like. Four corners diet and Atkins are similar but I like Four corners more because it tells us to consume yogurt.

    You still don't seem to understand.

    You can give a recommendation, but you have to cover all the bases. You can't say "I did this and it worked", because your medical history is not the same as anyone else on this planet.

    No one, not one single person on this earth, should start a diet without first consulting their physician. The same goes for any workout routine.

    You have no idea what sort of medical history the original poster has, yet you came here and told them to start a diet that could potentially harm them if they have any medical issues.

    That's not only dangerous, it's immoral, which I've mentioned in a few other threads about your posts. You post dangerous advice, you diagnose people when you're not qualified to do so, and you even prescribe medication, without knowing for sure that your "diagnosis" is correct.

    This is a question and answer site, and we do our best to answer any question that's presented to us. But we cannot and do not diagnose on this site. Why? Because no one can. Not even a doctor can offer a diagnosis over the internet. It's dangerous to do so, and you're putting people's lives at risk.

    These are real people. Are you prepared to suffer the consequences if one of the people you've diagnosed and prescribed medication and diets to, dies?

    That's not what this site is about. Do not diagnose, do not prescribe medication, and do not offer remedies or diets when you have no idea what the persons medical history is, and even if you did, you still aren't qualified to offer medical advice.

    You're at -10 already. Do you know what that means? It means that out of your almost 60 posts, 10 of your posts have been found to be highly inaccurate, and even dangerous. I'm sure you'd have more negatives if we didn't have to spread the reputation before giving you a disagree again. In other words, your posts are not accurate, they're dangerous, and it has not gone unnoticed.

    You're more than welcome here. We love to have new people join the site. But stick to what you know. Just because you experienced weight loss with the diet you're on, does not mean it's okay for everyone else. Just because you had your ear pierced does not mean you know what the bump on someone else's ear is. Not all rashes are due to allergies, and stating that, and then prescribing medication to that poster, is not only dangerous, but outrageous. And that's just a few of your posts, there are more that are way out to left field, and shouldn't have been posted to begin with.

    Stick to what you know, not what you're guessing at. Please. I'm tired of putting out the fires you're creating.
  • Mar 25, 2012, 01:40 PM

    I'm sorry if I assumed that Heather is a carbohydrate addict.
    Do you know what happens when you assume? You make an a$$ out of u and me!

    Never assume.

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