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Understanding my Hematology results
Well, unfortunately it's not even that simple of a scenario. Here is the gist...
I am a liver transplant recipient from Autoimmune Chronic Active Hepatitis. It's been 6 years since my transplant in 2006 (when I was 26 years old) and I've just been advised that my disease has become active again and I'll require another transplant in approximately 5 years. They came of this from when I thought I had a hernia where in fact I had a blood clot between my spleen and my liver... not yet reaching the portal vein. Phew! I am taking deltaparin (an injectible blood clot buster daily) and warafin (7mg daily). I am also taking anti-rejection medication.
With the blood clot, I am being sent to get blood work done daily to test my INR and PTT. I have attached a short comparison from blood work I had done on March 8, 2012 compared to my recent blood work done March 20, 2012. I don't expect it to be too serious for if it was my transplant doctors would be on me in a second and I know I can ask them pretty much anything. However, I'd just like some insight as to what other people in the know think.