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  • Feb 19, 2007, 12:30 PM
    Muhammad junaid
    Wilson Disease
    Dear sir
    Can u tell me is there any medicine in homeopathic or any other natural remedies that can be use to traet or control the symptoms of wilson disease ?
    Informe me
  • Feb 19, 2007, 12:37 PM
    WD requires lifelong treatment, generally using drugs to remove excess copper from the body and to prevent it from re-accumulating. Zinc salt, which blocks the absorption of copper in the stomach and causes no serious side effects, is often considered the treatment of choice. A low-copper diet may also be recommended, which involves avoiding mushrooms, nuts, chocolate, dried fruit, liver, and shellfish. In rare cases where there is severe liver disease, a liver transplant may be needed.

    There is this research also:

    Topic: Digestive Diseases (DD)
    Title: Diagnosis and Current Therapy of Wilson's Disease.

    Author: Ferenci, P.
    Source: Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 19(2): 157-165. January 2004.

    Abstract: Wilson's disease is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder of liver (hepatic) copper metabolism resulting in liver disease and or neuropsychiatric disease. This article reviews the diagnosis and current therapeutic recommendations for Wilson's disease. The diagnosis of neurological disease is straightforward if the following symptoms are present: Kayser-Fleischer rings, typical neurological symptoms, and low serum ceruloplasmin levels. The diagnosis is more complex in patients presenting with liver diseases. None of the commonly used parameters alone allows a diagnosis with certainty. A combination of various laboratory parameters is needed to firmly establish the diagnosis. Recently, a group of international experts has proposed a score based on a variety of tests and clinical symptoms. The validity of this score needs to be assessed prospectively. Treatment of Wilson's disease requires life-long administration of copper chelators (D-penicillamine, trientine, zinc). None of these treatments has been tested by prospective randomized controlled studies. Liver transplantation is reserved for severe or treatment-resistant cases with advanced liver disease, whilst experience with refractory neuropsychiatric disease is limited. 3 figures. 1 table. 57 references.

    Format: Journal Article
    Language: English.
    Major Keywords: Digestive System Diseases. Wilsons Disease. Liver Diseases. Diagnosis. Patient Care Management. Minerals.
    Minor Keywords: Symptoms. Diagnostic Tests. Complications. Neurophysiology. Therapy.
    Publication Number: DDJA10075

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