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  • Mar 4, 2012, 10:26 AM
    Dwarf hamster
    I bought two of these hamsters got to give them both some love and one was dead with its face bitten and its eye gone do you have any suggestions please x x
  • Mar 5, 2012, 12:18 PM
    Can you please tell me if you are wanting to know what happened to the hamster or what to do either way tell me
  • Mar 5, 2012, 02:09 PM
    You said they're dwarf hamsters. What type? Russian dwarfs?

    Most breeds of hamsters don't get along. They cannot be housed together. Even Russian dwarfs, which most people claim can be housed together, can and do fight to the death.

    Hamsters are solitary animals. We as humans feel that they need a friend, but that's not what they want. Once they hit sexual maturity most hamsters will fight with any hamster invading their space.

    It sounds like that's what happened here.
  • Mar 5, 2012, 02:41 PM
    Suggestions about what? I would suggest that before you buy any additional hamsters you read this - Hamster Club :: All the Hamster Information you need

    And Alty knows what she's talking about, so I would read her response again.
  • May 7, 2012, 05:47 AM
    I got my dwarf hamster from the RSPCA, he had been there for 6 weeks and they said when he arrived he was possibly 3 - 4 months old. Now he is circa 6 months old. I have had hamsters before but not dwarfs and I have read all there is to read on dwarf hamsters. I have had him for 4 days now and I am feeling so sorry for him as he comes out of his bed and sees me and even though I am not sitting there next to his home, he gets very scared and runs away, but so frightened he even falls off his ladders to get away. I am wondered if there is no hope for me to tame him seeing as he is 6 months old and whether I should do the best I can in providing him a clean home, bed, food, water and leave him to his own devices as clearly he has had a rough trot in life so far possibly having at least 3 different homes - am not sure whether to try and tame him or just leave him alone

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