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  • Jan 23, 2012, 08:56 AM
    I am beautiful inside out but can't seem to find the right guy. Any advice?
    I'm a 19 year old girl who's really beautiful inside out (I don't like to brag but that's the truth). I haven't yet been in a serious relationship with a guy even though there are lots of guys (and I mean lots) who wish to go out with me. I don't know what's wrong with me. Also, most of these guys prefer opening up to my friends instead of facing me and telling me that they would like to go out with me. Another thing is that I met a guy last summer with whom I fell in love or so and I can't seem to get over him. I still like him and think of him most of the time, not to mention it has been almost 6 months since I last saw him because he lives far away. I can't stop thinking about him and I think that's what's making me ignore other potential guys. Any advice on how to forget a guy who hasn't done anything to harm or hurt you?
  • Jan 23, 2012, 10:06 AM
    I'm confused that you've never been in a serious relationship but are requesting advice about getting over someone you love.

    You forget someone by staying busy and not dwelling on what was or might have been.

    On one hand guys aren't asking you out; on the other you are ignoring potential dates.

    Which is it?
  • Jan 25, 2012, 09:31 PM
    JudyKayTee has a good point. It sounds like you're shooting yourself in the foot then asking why you can't walk. You should probably re-examine your point of view, and change what you can change, then seek advise concerning what you can't fix on your own.
  • Jan 26, 2012, 06:03 AM
    When a woman is beautiful... men easily can be intimidated. That's why they are asking your friends about you, instead of coming out and asking you directly. Do you like any of them? If so go out :)!

    Now about the guy you met last summer... if he is not calling and trying or wanting to be with you... let him go. You deserve more than that... you are still young!
    And you also need to go out and get yourself out there, you can sit at home for the rest of your life... or you can go out and meet your dream guy OK?
    Someone out there is looking for someone exactly like you!
    I promise that you will soon forget him when you meet your Mr right sweetie!
  • Mar 20, 2012, 03:19 PM
    "I'm so amazing, I can't believe all these guys who want to go out with me aren't asking me out!" Maybe they're not asking you out because you're stuck up and obsessed with your appearance, and they prefer your friends who they can actually have a conversation with?

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