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  • Jan 20, 2012, 11:50 AM
    Acne Out of Nowhere!
    All my life my skin been clear I use to get breakouts in my T zone (witch is forehead nose chin) but like very small or 1 or 2 pimples but since I turned 16 my acne got so much worst I never got acne on my cheeks before but now I do it really bothers me I can't leave the house without putting tons and tons of makeup and the makeup is making it worst! And I use every kind of face wash you could think of some actaully made it worst to, my mom has adult acne and she had it since for ever do I take after my mom is it just my age is it cause I use to many products on my skin! And before I ever had this bad of acne I took care of my skin very well I just wish it would go away specially the scarrs I'm really white and the scarrs are redish pink so you could see them very well it bothers me a lot I hate it what is wrong with mee!
  • Jan 20, 2012, 01:26 PM
    Welcome to adolescence! :) Your hormones are raging and the acne is a result. Next time you're at the doctor's for a checkup, ask him/her what to use to treat it, assuming it actually needs treatment. I had acne breakouts until I was about 23. Just a fact of life for some of us. Be confident in the knowledge that by the time you're old enough to want to look younger, this will all have stopped.
  • Jan 21, 2012, 05:26 AM
    You cannot control the hormones that rage inside you but you can help to control the bad effects of them!

    The scars are post inflammatory pigment caused by you popping pimples or not treating them right (vit c is great to prevent this)

    You need to see a beauty therapist/aesthetician/facialist as doctors and dermatologists specialise in SKIN DISEASES and acne is not a skin disease it is a simple controllable condition with products. Dermalogica is a good international brand. Md formulations to name a few.

    Steer clear of products with alcohol and throw away your make up and start on minerals as that is probably aggravating the problem

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