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  • Dec 13, 2011, 10:57 AM
    Who is your local "celebrity?"
    Who is your local "celebrity?" Every small town has their eccentric - who is yours? I ask because I'm developing a character for a book, so please be specific.
  • Dec 13, 2011, 11:06 AM
    I can tell you more than you ever wanted to know about our local homeless guy.

    There are several best-selling authors who live in this area.

    We had a patron who was 100 years old (who has since died). He'd fall asleep in the library while reading the daily newspaper, and patrons were afraid to wake him up or worried that he was dead.

    We had a library flasher who wore (only) his trench coat every spring.

    We had a patron who was a transvestite. I encountered him (dressed as a female) while in the ladies washroom.

    There was an obnoxious, demanding female patron we dubbed "the water buffalo."
  • Dec 15, 2011, 03:37 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    I can tell you more than you ever wanted to know about our local homeless guy.

    Is this him?

    Judge to well-known Naperville squatter: Get a job - Chicago Sun-Times
  • Dec 15, 2011, 03:40 PM
    Nope! I wasn't a librarian at the Nichols Library. I was in a suburb east of DG.

    Our homeless guy will be 73 soon, finally agreed to claim his SS money, and is now in independent living (nursing home) in LaGrange, charming the socks off everyone.
  • Dec 16, 2011, 03:30 AM
    We have a local famous homeless guy too, he's a can mumbler, you can try and talk to him all you want but he'll just keep on walking and talking into his can.
    Ask anyone do they know the homeless guy in the mall and they will know exactly who you are talking about.
  • Dec 26, 2011, 06:42 AM
    There is a local guy who carries his pet rodent in a shoulder carrier to the convenience store every morning to purchase a banana for it's breakfast . I never see him get anything for himself. He stands outside the store feeding the rodent ;and engages in conversations with people coming in for their local fix of coffee . Surely that is good for a bit part in your best seller.
  • Dec 26, 2011, 11:26 PM
    Just Looking
    When I read this question, it reminded me of a man known as "The Waver". He used to walk every day between the city where I live and one that is over 30 miles away, waving to everyone as he went. I hadn't thought about him for a while, so I did a Google search for "Reno waver" and found out some interesting things. He started walking in 1973 after his wife left him and took their daughters. He continued until just a few years ago when he remarried his wife. He wrote a book in 1997 about his adventures. In 1990, it was estimated that he had already walked 200,000 miles.

    He was very well known in our city and he really did brighten our days. You couldn't help but smile as he always had the biggest smile on his face.
  • Dec 26, 2011, 11:30 PM

    Originally Posted by Just Looking View Post
    When I read this question, it reminded me of a man known as "The Waver".

    Chicago has a similar guy who stands on a bridge every day and waves, our very own Vincent --

    What's up with the crazy "suit guy" outside abc7? (Chicago: studio, camera) - City-Data Forum
  • Jan 4, 2012, 05:05 PM
    There was a guy in Nova Scotia that would do the same... wave at people driving by on the highway, he was on the overpass. I even think they named the overpass after him...
  • Jan 4, 2012, 05:07 PM
    Found the article and yes they did name it after him...
    Overpass named after Freddie Wilson - News - The Hants Journal
  • Jan 11, 2012, 09:21 AM
    Ours is Special K, the homeless rapper. His work, and outstanding dance moves can be seen on YouTube.

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