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  • Nov 27, 2011, 09:29 PM
    Solid semen?
    Ok so I couldn't believe that I would actually need to post here! Lol.

    So anyway, what could cause semen to be completely solid almost? It was like pieces of rice! All clumped together. It didn't smell bad. It was still white. He had not had sex in 2 years (he says) and it was over pretty quick as well.

    Is the issue because of the 2 years of chastity? Or is it something else?

    *edit* oh by the way he is 33 if that makes a difference and this is a new problem
  • Nov 28, 2011, 09:53 AM
    Ummmmm... first... that would hurt like hell coming out... IF that's what it was...

    It gets reabsorbed by the body... so it doesn't hang around an petrify however.

    Sounds like some other sort of crud... I'd say maybe even an STD... but I thought there would be an odor associated with that... but that might be in incorrect assumption.

    As far as the" it was over real quick"... that can be written off for a number of reasons... new girl excitement, not having had any in a couple days, he might be a minute man or a combination of any or all of those.
  • Mar 16, 2012, 02:00 PM

    Semen can also change in consistency and appearance in the minutes after leaving the penis. After ejaculation, proteins contained in semen can cause it to become thick, sticky, and clumpy. This consistency helps increase the chances for fertilization, since the semen stays high in the vagina, making it less likely to run right out of it until a bit later.
    Source: Go Ask Alice (Columbia Health)

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