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  • Nov 1, 2011, 12:23 PM
    I want to commit suicide
    I have made many mistakes and now all my tender and younger age time has crossed. Unfortunately, my parents also want me to decide for myself for my future which as of now I can't see because of my older age.

    I have failed miserably in my life and now don't want to add any more mistakes by which my parents may get more disappointment in their lives.

    Henceforth,having said that I have lived much of my life as my leisure period and not have decided for my future, I would there by like to say my this birth a sweet good bye .
  • Nov 1, 2011, 12:35 PM
    What is your question?

    Suicide is a very permanent solution to what is often a very temporary problem.

    Have you spoken with a mental health specialist about how you feel? Have you telephoned a suicide prevention hot line and spoken with trained professionals, someone who will listen and understand and make suggestions?

    I would suggest that suicide will NOT make your parents feel any better. In fact, it will haunt them until they die. Why are you too old to make plans for your own future? Has something happened which has upset your entire life?

    You appear to NOT be in the US. Where are you?
  • Nov 1, 2011, 12:41 PM
    You have a great future as a poet. Do you write poetry?
  • Nov 1, 2011, 01:30 PM
    Your parents are alive at old age ? Wow, at 60 and older it is great to still have your parents.

    You know the great thing about mistakes there are always other attempts. You know Abe Lincoln failed most of his elections, he failed almost all of his business attempts but went on to be one of the most famous US presidents.

    Do you know how many people go bankrupt and lose everything at 40.

    How many people at 50 go back to college and start new careers

    So tell us your story more.

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