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  • Oct 22, 2011, 06:25 PM
    Could I be pregnant even after negative pregnant test when nuvaring taken out early?
    I have a question to ask:

    So here's the history.I had a period and went to the OBGYN so that I could start Birth control. I started the Nuvaring in on September 1st, which was the last day of my period, I had gotten it Aug 28. I had sex and used a condom on the 1st. But then I didn't wait the 7 days after starting and had unprotected sex on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th. I had a lot of nausea and pain in my abdomen during my period and when I started the nuvaring, but I attributed it to those two things. About two weeks later I was still experiencing pain in my abdomen and being very nauseous and not being able to eat anything. I went to the doctor they thought it was my gallbladder and sent me to the hospital. That was Sept. 17. I was told I had a UTI and given medicine for it. On Sept 22 I took out my nuvaring. The next day, the 23rd I was still experiencing the same pain so I went back to the doctor. They did a pregnancy test which was negative, and did a pelvic exam but didn't see anything wrong, my urine still had bacteria in it they said and weeks later they called me back saying my urine was inconclusive and they thought I had a yeast infection, this was after my surgery which I will explain in a bit. Because of all the pain I was in, they sent me to the hospital again. This time the hospital actually ran test, a CT Scan and an ultrasound. They also ran a urine pregnancy test which was negative. They found a 7cm cyst on my right ovary, gave me pain meds and sent me home saying I needed to go to my OBGYN. I got my period on the 26th. I went to my OBGYN who wanted me to wait out the pain and see if the cyst would be reduced with the nuvaring on Sept 29. With everything going on I forgot to put in the nuvaring again until the 30th, which was one day after the 7 day mark. I had unprotected sex the 30th, oct 1 and 2nd. On October 9th I was back in the ER with the same nausea and pelvic pain as before, but it had gotten so bad I hadn't eaten in 2 days. The sonogram showed that the cyst was now 8cm big and my urine pregnancy test was negative. On the 10th I went to my OBGYN who decided I was going to have surgery the next morning to remove the cyst. The 11th I had surgery to remove the cyst. I was so nauseous and sick still that I went back to the Dr. On the 14th to see what was the problem. They did a urine pregnancy test which was again negative, and determined I also did not have a UTI or anything. The blood work all came back fine as well since they checked liver/gallbladder levels to make sure that was not causing the sickness. Afterwards I was in a lot of pain and still very nauseous so I didn't eat very much. The next day I woke up bleeding and in a lot of pelivic pain. The OBGYN calling service had me check for my nuvaring and I could not find it inside of me. After several hours of being in pain and nauseous I was sent back to the ER. They did another sonogram and found liquid in my pelvis and the possibility of another cyst on my ovary. They attributed the liquid to a cyst that they had never seen before on the CT or the sonogram from less than a week before, that had burst. This time they also did a blood pregnancy test which came out negative with, I might be wrong because I didn't understand her correctly, a level of 2 or 3 hCG. The bleeding was so light I didn't have to wear anything and it only came when I was using the bathroom. At first it was pinkish/brown and then for a little bit it was bright red before going back to the light red/pink color. On Monday the 17th I went back to the OBGYN, again they did a urine pregnancy test that came back negative. They put me on a strick regime of two different nausea medicines and two different pain medicines because they were attributing the nausea to the anesthesia from the surgery. I had never had any problem with this before. They had me put a new nuvaring in on the 20th, and attributed to the lost one being accidentally taken out when I had surgery almost a week and a half before. Now it's the 22nd and I'm still nauseous however now I'm having weird food cravings as well. The entire time this has been going on I've been tired and nauseous and really sensitive to any smells. Today I notice some milky vaginal discharge and I'm a little bloated and sore around my breasts. I took an at home pregnancy test yesterday and it was negative. Am I just being paranoid or is there a possibility that I may be pregnant? I'm very confused as to what's going on, the doctors won't give me for sure answers, the surgery was supposed to make me feel better, but I'm still as tired, nauseous and have a small amount of pelvic pain. I didn't have a period this month other than the maybe 27 hours that I bled so little that I didn't even wear anything to catch the blood. Was I supposed to get one since the nuvaring was taken out early does it just not come this month? And is there a possibility that I am pregnant and if there is how do I get the doctors to make sure? Please help.
  • Oct 22, 2011, 06:36 PM
    Yes its never 100 %

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