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  • Oct 7, 2011, 10:02 PM
    I am a salaried employee and often work 12-16 14hr days in a row with no day off.
    I am a salaried employee and often work 12-16 14hr days in a row with no day off. When I have requested a day off during the regular work week, I am told that I will have to take it unpaid or use a vacation day. This doesn't seem fair. I am beginning to burn out. Do salaried employees have no rights whatsoever?
  • Oct 9, 2011, 08:00 AM
    Every State and Country have different laws, many of which are regulated by the Federal Government. Where?

    Union? Employment contract?
  • Oct 10, 2011, 07:36 AM
    AK lawyer

    Originally Posted by antid0te View Post
    I... I am told that I will have to take it unpaid or use a vacation day. ...

    Are you paid a salary by the day, by the week, by the month, or what? If, for example, you are paid by the week, the nature of the deal would suggest that it doesn't matter how many days you come to work in that week, as long as you get the job done. Your employer can't have his cake and eat it too. He or she either employs you at so much per week; or by the day or hour. That's what salary means.

    Of course that all depends on the specifics of your employment contract and the labor laws in your state.
  • Oct 10, 2011, 11:19 AM
    Do you meet the requirements for a salaried employee exemption? If not, you must be paid overtime. Additionally, if you earn a weekly salary, you must be paid for the full week if you clock any hours in that week. This is a good fact sheet and a great place to start.
  • Oct 10, 2011, 11:28 AM
    AK lawyer

    Originally Posted by kcomissiong View Post
    ... This is a good fact sheet and a great place to start.


    "... Deductions from pay are permissible when an exempt employee: is absent from work for one or more full days for personal reasons other than sickness or disability..."

    So I may have been incorrect. On the other hand, I would be surprised if this means that the employee can be made to work 7 days a week.
  • Oct 10, 2011, 12:01 PM
    The link I provided also links to the salaried employee exemptions. They provide basically a checklist on if you qualify as a salaried employee.

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