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  • Oct 5, 2011, 12:40 AM
    How do I convince my parents for an intercaste marriage?
    I am a south indian Brahmin girl In love with a Maharashtrian Guy. We both Love each other a lot and I am ready to go against my parents wishes. His parents have accepted me as their daughter in law but I am having really a tough time to convince my family as they are very conservative and strict. I don't know how to go about and both of us are adamant on our decisions but still we want everything to go well
  • Oct 7, 2011, 08:58 AM
    Hi there... I'm a south Indian Christian girl who married a Hindu boy four years back. Tell your parents that you cannot live without this boy and that you will marry no one else. Be firm but be gentle. Prove to them that you can make it work. And never give up. :)
  • Jan 26, 2012, 07:55 AM
    Hi I am a north indian, but live in the uk, however I would suggest to you considering ALL indian parents who think at this level think the same way regardless of what part of India they are from. Just talk to your mum if I were you and tell her that being a mother you wish her to understand you and that you can't see yourself marry anyone other than your boyfriend and give a few strong positive points about your boyfriend that will attract her attention to be convinced. Tell her that if they can't agree, then simply you can't see yourself marry anyone else and if you do, you can't see yourself being happy.

    Ask her what is more important for them, your happiness and success, or for you to be miserable with a possibility of a marriage breakdown because of their own happiness? That will get your mother thinking who will talk to your father. Hopefull they will both sit you down and come to terms.

    Sorry reply is a bit late, but I'm too in a situation. I am North Indian wanting to marry a South Indian guy. He is soooo scared to approach his parents because he don't want to hurt them.

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