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  • Aug 8, 2011, 10:16 AM
    How would I lose 80-90 lbs.
    I'm still in school and my low self confidence and my weight issues have been interfering with my classes. All I think about during classes is how fat I am or how the thinner girls must be laughing at me. I'm turning 13, I'm 5'3" last time I checked and weigh about 195 lbs.. I'm really embarrassed and deppressed because of my weight. I need to permanently lose the weight, but I don't have much money to do it with. I can't really take diet pills because I'm under 18. I have ordered diet pills and used them a few times, but I stopped using them because they made me jittery and I couldn't sleep to well, which scared me. My family, friends, and teachers are NOT supportive of me losing weight, so it's rather hard to lose the pounds when you feel alone and deprived. I am willing to do ANYTHING. Please help me?
  • Aug 8, 2011, 10:25 AM
    You're really battling two things: your weight and being a teenager. :) The teenage years can be a little rough as you try to define yourself, we've all been through it. The best way to get through it is to not agonize over it - change what you can and don't stress over what you can't.

    To lose the weight you want to lose (and to keep it off) is going to take time. Please stay away from the quick fix solutions, you'll aonly get heatache and lose money. Go instead for a lifestyle change that you can live with. Sometimes it may take more discipline that you're used to but we all do it and so can you. Be more active and seelct healthier foods (really cut out the fried foods). Can't stress the being active part enough - it also has a side effect of making you feel better inside. Try it.
  • Aug 8, 2011, 10:29 AM

    Yes first understand, there is no magic cure or quick fix, any pill or bottle or person that says there is, is trying to separate you from your money

    Next it is not going to happen over night, you did not gain the weight fast and will not lose it fast.

    You need to take a close look at your diet, what you are eating and start a controlled input.

    Next you need to start to exercise, perhaps getting up early and taking a walk, and another walk after school is out and so on.

    *** you also must sit down with your parents and discuss this before you start anything
  • Aug 8, 2011, 11:03 AM
    Diet pills don't WORK. Waste of money. You probably took one with caffeine in it so no wonder you were jittery.
    You don't say how much exercise you get, or what your parents serve for meals.
    If you want to lose 80 lbs, you need to plan on a year. You can lose more at first and less as it gets harder. 10 lbs a month is tough enough discipline, so do that for 3 months, and 6 lbs the next 6 months and 5 lbs the last 3. It won't be easy, and the entire year will be no sweets and very low fats and junky starches. You have to eat all healthy foods because you have to eat less overall.

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