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  • Jul 28, 2011, 11:40 AM
    Skyrocket Away
    How can I keep my skin moisturized and avoid wrinkles?
    I'm a 20 year old girl and I have never really done anything for my skin. I don't/can't wash my face because it causes me to break out and I have never used any kind of lotion or anything on my skin. Despite this, my skin has always been very soft and "glowy". And I have never had any acne, other then one or so pimple every couple of weeks.

    I have started applying lotion regularly to my face and entire body just because I would like to keep it some what moisturized. I also drink A LOT of water, so that I stay hydrated.

    But, lately I have taken an interest in making sure that my skin stays nice and youthful for as long as possible. So, anyway, I was wondering if anyone has used anything along the lines of anti-wrinkle creams or anti-aging? I have recently heard great thing's about L'oreal YouthCode. Has anyone tried it? Also, my skin is very sensitive and I have an EXTREME sensitivity to smells and perfumes. They burn and frankly, I hate anything with a strong perfumey scent or anything.

    How should I keep my face and skin moisturized and wrinkle free for as long as possible?

    I also don't wear any kind of make-up at all, and never have.

    Any help would be awesome!
  • Jul 28, 2011, 11:45 AM

    #1 Cardinal sin... laying out in the sun for a tan.

    Sun and its effects age your skin very fast. Nothing can correct those effects.

    I know several women my wife's age... fromt he same town... Known them all for 25 years.

    Several spent a lot of time at the beach... one more than most... my wife least of all.

    The one that always had that deep dark tan in summer... now in her 40's looks like shoe leather... my wife... few wrinkles and looks 10 year younger than she is.

    The others somewhere in between.
  • Jul 28, 2011, 12:04 PM
    Skyrocket Away
    Thank you. (:
    But I never tan, or lay out in the sun, or even go outside all that much. And I honestly am not very tan, despite living in Florida.
  • Jul 28, 2011, 12:04 PM
    Skyrocket Away
    Comment on smoothy's post
    Thank you. (:
    But I never tan, or lay out in the sun, or even go outside all that much. And I honestly am not very tan, despite living in Florida.
  • Jul 28, 2011, 07:46 PM

    You will have to wait for some of the ladies to comment on the specifics of certain creams or lotions. Those will be outside my area of experience.
  • Oct 12, 2011, 07:35 AM
    Let's get one thing straight... there is no magical cream that's going to stop you from aging and getting wrinkles otherwise we'd all have it! The only that can help you to age "gracefully" is to keep drinking water cleanse daily and moisturize according to your skin type.. and being 20 you've probably got a long way to go I'm 32 and still have a long way to go
  • Oct 12, 2011, 08:19 AM
    Kahani Punjab
    Penelo, I agree with you absolutely, as nothing works as graciously as drinking water, which is the natural, perfect and cheapest way to look younger. Avoid sunlight, I mean direct exposure to sun and last but not the least, take proper, balanced and rich diet.

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