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  • Jul 5, 2011, 12:19 PM
    Death of a toddler.
    Casey Anthony found not guilty! Anyone have any thoughts or feelings on this?

    Death of Caylee Anthony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    U.S. riveted over Casey Anthony's 'summer soap opera' murder trial - The Globe and Mail
  • Jul 5, 2011, 12:29 PM

    I can't think of a more convoluted public case than this one. I only got a glimpse here and there of the court preceedings. Casey chose not to testify, that was her option; her mother reported the granddaughter missing; the grandfather found the corpse (I think); the grandfather had an affair (dont know what bearing that has on anything); Casey partyed and carried on into the wee hours and had boyfriends (whilst her girl was missing and presumed dead). Have I got all of that right?

    So much evidence went cold during the three years. Did they ever do an autopsy to determine cause of death, other then the tape?

    See how much I know which isn't much.

    Okay, so she is free; only she has to suffer if she knows more. We will likely hear she committed suicide at some point in time.

  • Jul 5, 2011, 12:34 PM

    Well that pretty much sums it up Tick. I can't say I know much more. But the whole thing leaves me sick to my stomach. I am killing myself trying to understand why she did what she did? What kind of mother does not report her child missing? (Of course she was dead and Casey knew this). But what kind of mother parties and shows no remorse for her dead child?

    Maybe my head is in the clouds, I chose to not watch the news for these exact stories. It's so depressing. I don't mean to be one of those people who keep their head in the sand, but when I think of what kind of monsters are out there, it frightens and sickens me. I have a little girl who is going to be 4 very soon. I could never imagine my life with out her. She is my life.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 12:42 PM

    I am in disbelief! This just sickens me! You pretty much know my thoughts as I have voiced them on Facebook.

    Justice was not served today. Its like the Oj Simpson trial all over again!
  • Jul 5, 2011, 12:58 PM

    2 cases of prosecutorial over- reach ;this case and the case in NY involving IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) .

    Casey Anthony probably killed her kid.
    But the prosecutor used circumstantial evidence to charge her with premeditated murder. Why... when the evidence pointed to a lesser charge ?
    There may be justice in our court system but there is no justice for Caylee .
  • Jul 5, 2011, 01:10 PM

    It sucks because while we are all pretty sure of what happened, there's just not enough evidence.

    I want to see justice for Caylee, but that window of opportunity may have closed. We may only be able to hope for justice in the afterlife.

    It's heartbreaking and sickening. Casey Anthony will likely not be welcome anywhere she goes, as least there may be some "social" justice:

    "Outside the courtroom, spectators screamed "Lord!" as the learned of the not guilty ruling. People comforted each other and cried, one man remarking that Casey Anthony should leave town because she's not welcome in Orlando." -ABC news.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 01:29 PM

    It looks like she got what she wanted. Not to have the responsibility for caring for Caylee. Now she can party all she wants. PFFT!

    Mirror mirror on the wall...

    I was sure she would be found guilty. There is just way too much evidence that backs it up... or so I thought.

    My next question is, if Casey didn't murder Caylee, then WHO did?
  • Jul 5, 2011, 04:12 PM

    I totally think Casey did it. I think that there wasn't enough circumstantial evidence to back this up, but us as knowing human beings who are able to make decisions and judgement on more than circumstantial evidence know what that horrible woman did. Now I am the niece of a controversial man here in Canada. He has quite the record here with the Canadian Law system (see Justice Denied), and I for one would not want to see another innocent person burned at the steak, but there is no doubt in my mind that this woman is guilty of murdering her child. No justice was served here. No one will pay the price for this poor child's life, except hopefully in the afterlife.

    You're right Enig, now she can live the life she killed for.

    What does PPFT mean? :confused:
  • Jul 5, 2011, 04:17 PM

    Originally Posted by Aurora_Bell View Post
    What does PPFT mean?? :confused:

    Lol PFFT is a noise that people do out of anger, frustration, or disbelief.

    It's the only way I could spell it out? Lol
  • Jul 5, 2011, 04:24 PM

    A person is innocent if there is reasonable doubt. It was up to the prosecution to make a case beyond reasonable doubt. That is hard to do without the pursuit of 1st degree murder. But that is the case the prosecution tried to prove with circumstantial evidence and pseudo-science(the car smelled like there was a dead boby in it... air samples taken... the use of psychic detectives ).
  • Jul 5, 2011, 04:24 PM

    Ahhh sorry pffft. I understand. Lol sorry blonde moment.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 04:49 PM

    I understand reasonable doubt, but I think the jury took it too far.

    We're a jaded society. There are so many TV shows about forensic evidence, proving things beyond a doubt. The fingerprint on the murder weapon, DNA, you name it.

    People expect there to be evidence, DNA, fingerprints, a video! That's not real life, but that's what most people expect.

    The state proved their case, at least as far as I'm concerned. There was a body in the trunk of the car. No doubt about it. Two different dogs trained to detect human decomposition hit on the trunk. So, if Caylee wasn't in the trunk, who was?

    The medical examiner that testified for the state said that no accidental drownings go unreported. That makes sense. Accidents happen. An accident is an accident. So why would someone cover that up?

    So, if Caylee didn't drown, her body was in her moms car trunk, duct tape, chloroform. ***? Put the pieces together jury!

    Why would George lie about an accidental drowning? He wouldn't! He's a cop!

    It makes not sense. There's your reasonable doubt!

    Cassie killed her child, and she got away with it.

    She's scheduled to walk out of jail on Thursday. The jury asked that the charges she was found guilty on (lying to law enforcement) would be prosecuted as time served. In other words, she'll walk out of jail (if the judge agrees) a free woman.

    Question is, will she be free? She can't go anywhere in the US, or Canada for that matter, without people coming after her to make her pay for what the majority of this world (minus 12 idiots) knows she did.

    She may be out of jail, but she'll never be "free".
  • Jul 5, 2011, 05:01 PM

    Alty, 100% agree. Every word makes sense.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 05:37 PM

    Okay, as promised, I'm keeping this conversation here.

    Truth is, I'm mad. I'm mad that Cassie/Cassey/murderer, is free.

    I don't know what to say other then to say that I'm shocked.

    Who parties when their child dies, even if it's an accident? Who covers up an accidental drowning? Who dumps their child in the woods, puts duct tape on her mouth, a heart sticker on the duct tape, and then a few days later enters a hot body contest at a bar?

    They claim she was molested. So what? I was molested! Both my kids are alive!

    If one of my kids died, I'd die!

    That's enough evidence for me.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 05:44 PM

    You know, Alty, I just didn't think about it the way you did. And you're right.

    Here I am, with every reasonable fiber of my being screaming "GUILTY!"... but I am defending the jury decision because there wasn't enough "hard" evidence.

    I'm a little disappointed in myself, I'll be honest :-/
  • Jul 5, 2011, 05:48 PM

    Originally Posted by southamerica View Post
    but I am defending the jury decision because there wasn't enough "hard" evidence.

    She may be guilty, but the prosecution messed up and didn't prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 05:54 PM

    I think she did it too . But ;None of the forensics stood up to cross examination. The prosecution never proved a murder happened let alone that it was Casey who did it. 85 searches for cholorform became one web search during questioning .
    Oh the evidence proved she was a rotten mother and a liar no doubt about that . But they never proved she killed her daughter (1st degree) .

    I think in retrospect the prosecution should've gone for a lesser charge. I think they went for the whole ball of wax because they were trying to force the defense into a plea. That's the risk they took .

    I think she was negligent and the child fell in the pool . She then tried to cover it up. There is a charge there somewhere that isn't 1st degree murder.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 06:04 PM

    Nope, I fully believe she set out with full intentions of killing her child.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 06:18 PM

    Originally Posted by southamerica View Post
    You know, Alty, I just didn't think about it the way you did. And you're right.

    Here I am, with every reasonable fiber of my being screaming "GUILTY!"...but I am defending the jury decision because there wasn't enough "hard" evidence.

    I'm a little disappointed in myself, I'll be honest :-/

    Don't be disappointed in yourself.

    The fact is, we've all become jaded because of TV.

    Question. Do you watch CSI? Do you watch any of the forensic dramas?

    If so, you're like all of us. You've learned to expect hard evidence. You want the DNA, the fingerprints, the witnesses, the video.

    The fact is, life isn't like TV.

    The prosecution proved their case. The defense made the suggestion that Caylee drowned. No proof. Why would George put his daughter through a trial, facing the death penalty, duct taping his dead granddaughters mouth, placing her in 2 garbage bags and a laundry bag, then put a heart sticker on the duct tape, and dump her like trash? He's a cop! He knows accidents happen. Accidental drowning? Bull! Accidental drownings never go unreported. That was stated by an expert for the prosecution.

    So, if it's not a drowning, let's look at the evidence.

    There was chloroform found on the scene. The duct tape is fact, and the heart sticker is too. The fact that Caylee was placed in 2 garbage bags, and a laundry bag, and dumped like trash in the woods, Cassie borrows a shovel from the neighbors, 2 dogs hit on the backyard (My thought, Cassie tried to bury Caylee in the yard, but couldn't. I've been there. We dug a grave for our dog, could only get a few feet in before we hit clay). Two dogs hit on the trunk of the car, multiple people say it smelled like a dead body was inside the trunk. Thirty one days Cassie tells no one that Caylee is missing, lies when she's found 31 days later, in the meantime, it's party time. When she's finally found, she claims a kidnapping. For three years she sits in jail, still claiming her daughter was kidnapped, talking to her dad (the man that supposedly was there when Caylee drowned), saying she feels Caylee is alive. She lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. She parties, knowing that her child is dead (no matter which story you believe, murder or drowning, Cassie knows Caylee is dead, but enters a hot body contest, rents videos, lives it up). She gets a tattoo proclaiming her freedom.

    I could go on.

    How does the jury find this as evidence of innocence?

    Where's the evidence of drowning?

    There's none.

    Evidence of murder? Well, there's no video, no fingerprints, no DNA. Caylee was dumped like garbage in a place that was underwater for months. DNA and fingerprints can't survive that.

    Sorry, I'm just shocked!

    Fact is, Cassie will probably write a book about all of this, do numerous interviews, and no one can touch her. She could admit that she killed her daughter on national TV, and since she's been found innocent of 1st degree murder, aggravated child neglect, aggravated manslaughter, no one can touch her. She'll live as a pariah, but a rich one, all because she killed her child!

    The jury is suggesting to the judge that Cassie be released by Thursday, time served for the charges (lying to law enforcement). She could be free by Thursday.

    Caylee, her little body left with duct tap on her mouth, chloroform found nearby, chloroform present in the trunk, where she died, body decomposed in a garbage dump. Caylee will never be free. Caylee will never see justice. Caylee will never grow up. RIP Caylee, beautiful girl. I'm so sorry that someone couldn't find justice for you. I'm so sorry that you got the cards you were dealt, the womb you were dealt. You deserve more!

    Caylee didn't even live 3 years on this earth. She's dead now because of Cassie.

    I don't give a rats arse if Cassie was molested. I've been there. For years, starting when I was 5, I was molested by my cousin. I won't even tell you the details. It's enough that they're in my head. My kids? They're alive and well, thriving, they will never know what I suffered. They will live their lives better then I did. Hopefully they will thrive from the love they're given.

    So what if Cassie was molested? Even if she was, which I don't believe, does that give her the right to kill her child? Little note. The cousin that molested me, she's not allowed anywhere near my kids. I have nothing to do with her. But, George, and Lee Cassie's supposed molesters were not only allowed near Caylee, but many times were asked to watch her, unsupervised. Bull!

    It doesn't make sense.

    The jury is blind!

    Thanks to them, a murderer is free. :(

    I hope Karma does its thing. That's the only hope left here. :(
  • Jul 5, 2011, 06:23 PM

    Originally Posted by Aurora_Bell View Post
    Nope, I fully believe she set out with full intentions of killing her child.

    Me too!

    I don't buy the accidental drowning crap.

    If it was accidental, who in their right mind would sit in jail for 3 years pretending their child was kidnapped, when it was an accidental drowning?

    What father (especially an ex cop), would allow their child to sit in jail, face the death penalty, if it was an accidental drowning?

    It doesn't make sense!

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