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  • Jan 29, 2007, 07:24 PM
    Is there such a thing as loving two people at the same time?
    Is it possible that you could be in Love with both your husband and ex?:confused:
  • Jan 29, 2007, 08:58 PM
    No-I think you can have residual feelings for your ex (as I do) but that isn't "being in love" That's more history. You shared memories good and bad with your ex and if you were together a long time(?) or had kids(?) that adds to it. And if HE left you rather than visa versa... then you're going to feel abandoned and always question what you did wrong. Or if you could change would he still want you?
    Let me tell you, I was married 14yrs to a man who became verbally abusive and threatening. He then had several affairs(unknown to me) and then tole ME he wanted a divorce! It's been 5yrs since the divorce. And I can say I am actually now happily divorced. But a small(very small) part of me misses his friendship and the few good moments we had. That's natural. I DON'T miss the lying, cheating or abuse.
    The fact that you remarried tells me you must have loved your current husband (I hope) Maybe there are issues in your current marriage that remind you of your ex? Or if your current marriage is having problems maybe you're just reminiscing about the past and avoiding the present? Just do me a favor and don't act on any feelings with your ex. BAD NEWS. If you're having problems in your current marriage, work from WITHIN the marriage. Get counseling. Talk about it.
    Your question left a lot unanswered so I can only speculate. But from someone who's been there, been in pain and feeling lost and lonely... there is hope. List to your HEAD not your heart right now. Be strong and I wish you all the best!
  • Jan 29, 2007, 09:08 PM
    You can love some memories of your ex, but ex's are ex's for a reason, and over time we often forget those and remember good things and forget the other issues.

    If you are having issues, then you as mentioned need counseling, since your husband deserves your full attention and full love, not to compete with a memory
  • Feb 8, 2007, 07:29 PM
    Thinking aloud-- just wondering if learning not to love the ex would be an option? :o
  • Feb 13, 2007, 10:49 PM
    There must be void that needs to be filled.

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