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  • Jun 26, 2011, 12:27 PM
    Schooling problems.
    My 10yr old son has learning disabilities, adhd & a complex cardiac condition, he is behind developmentally due to long term hospital stays he is currently in an assisted needs base in a mainstream school, he was removed from his 1st primary school because they couldn't cope with his behaviour, (prior to his diagnosis of adhd), he didn't start school until until he was almost six as he had an extra year at a special needs nursery, he is on ritalin which is due to be changed to another adhd medication as the ritalin is making no difference whatsoever, due to the impulsivity (which makes him lash out at others now & then) the school have told me that they aren't willing to have him there for his last 2yrs of primary school education due to violence & were pushing me towards my son starting high school next yr which would mean that he would be losing out on a vital year of primary school education, he is no-where near ready for high school, clearly this was the easy option for them to get rid of him & I am not alone in thinking this, health pro's & social workers also felt this at the last meeting, moving my son to another school at his age would be a major setback for him & things would be 10 times worse than they are now, he was young enough to adapt when it happened at his last school as he was in primary 1, this would be a major upheaval for him & I dread to think what the outcome would be, I don't know where to go to start the ball rolling to try to keep my son in this school, which I feel is best for him PLEASE, PLEASE HELP, any advice would be appreciated & Thank You in advance for any replies, we live in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, Many Thanks from a desperate mother.
  • Jun 26, 2011, 02:12 PM

    Schools can only handle children to a point, and if and when that child becomes a danger to others there is a chance they can no longer control him.

    Are you also willing to risk the liability of his harming another student if he is lashing out.

    Do they recommend a special school that is more equip to meet his needs
  • Jun 26, 2011, 07:29 PM

    Thank you for breaking the rules and giving a uncalled for disagree.

    When you don't provide enough information, for even a reasonable answer it is hard to give a good reply.

    I guess I could say, hire an attorney and sue the school, since I guess that is what you want to hear, but that most likely is not the correct answer.

    What we need was more info and instead of providing it, you wish to attack those trying to help you.
  • Jun 26, 2011, 08:05 PM

    Have you considered a tutor for him or even homeschooling him? (I'm not sure how education works in Scotland.)

    Right now, I would demand a staffing with people from his current school to find out more about why they won't keep him and what advantages a new school will have for him. Gather together you, a social worker who knows the situation, any teachers who have had him in their class, the school principal, plus any others who know about his problems and would have something useful to add to the staffing. Take good notes or record it. That will give you something to hang your hat on.

    Visit the new school and talk with teachers and the principal to find out how life would be for him there.

    Your main thing right now is to get knowledge.
  • Jun 27, 2011, 07:10 PM
    Comment on Wondergirl's post
    Many Thanks for your assistance, this is greatly appreciated, I have a meeting with my sons social worker on 5th July, hopefully she will be able to give me some pointers as to where to go with this, unfortunately the school has broken up for the summer holidays & don't return until the middle of August, I hope to have some information re how to keep my son in this school, home schooling is not an option due to lack of funds, the alternative school is on the Scottish Borders, this definitely isn't an option as it would cause my son more distress being so far away from family & loved ones, also being away from medical consultants who have known him since birth would be a disadvantage as he has built up trust in them over the last few years & any change would be too distressing for my son, many thanks once again.
  • Jun 27, 2011, 07:27 PM

    the alternative school is on the Scottish Borders, this definately isn't an option as it would cause my son more distress being so far away from family & loved ones,

    Would this be a boarding situation, or would he come home every school day? How far away is this school? Be very careful you don't place your fears and concerns on him. I do understand he has challenges, but if the new school offers him many advantages and will be understanding of his situation (and teachers are trained to deal with him and his disabilities), this could be a good change.

    I wish I could be there to help you deal with this as you make decisions. Remember, your son and his well being (and not yours) is what is first and foremost.

    Please post as you learn more about this other school and work through this situation.
  • Jun 27, 2011, 08:05 PM
    Comment on Wondergirl's post
    Yes, this would be a boarding situation as it is 95-100 miles one way. One other thing that the school said at the last parents evening was that my son is in the best school suited to his needs, I will get on to the education dept as soon as I have had the meeting with my sons social worker, who unfortunately is on holiday just now & I will keep you posted of any developments, many thanks.
  • Jun 27, 2011, 08:30 PM

    Thanks for all the additional information. Now I understand much better. It sounds like he needs to stay where he is.

    Yes, please keep me informed -- after your meeting on the 5th especially.

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