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  • May 7, 2011, 09:07 AM
    Does he like me romantically or is he just friendly ?
    I have been thinking about this guy I have met at my work and I was wondering if his behaviour to me was more than just friendly and if he actually likes me romantically. He would stand and gaze into my eyes when we talk, one time he said wow your eyes are different colors that is amazing. Those were his exact words. He also said I have an amazing smile. He said I am amazing at my job. He always uses the word amazing to me. He aks about what I like to do in my free time and about me. He said also one time that he liked the blouse I was wearing. He also said because didn't know anyone around the town that I could come over to his place for dinner with him and his friends.

    So now I am thinking is he just being friendly because I am new to the area and just started this new job, or does he maybe like me romantically ?
  • May 7, 2011, 09:32 AM

    Well,he's certainly after something,I'd be careful though.

    Going on a date's one thing,going to a virtual stranger's house might not be a wise thing to do.
  • May 7, 2011, 12:45 PM

    Play cool, and find out and let him chase you, and see how his intentions run. Just have fun and let him do the work.

    I have to say I talk as he does to you at work, the same way to the cashiers at the grocery store, with my wife there. Its flattery talk to make you smile, so the words mean nothing, but his actions will.

    And no you are not available for dinner with his friends!! Maybe a nice restaurant, but not at his place till you know him and his intentions a lot better.
  • May 9, 2011, 10:58 AM
    Take it slow, let him make the first move and soon enough you will find out what his intentions with you are.

    Good luck,
  • May 9, 2011, 09:08 PM
    Is he gay or does he really like me ?

    I just not long ago started a new restaurant job and a man I work with compliments my appearance a lot, that my clothes are nice, my eyes and smile are amazing and he has invited me over to his place for dinner with him and his friends. But I am wondering if he is gay, because he is 30 and he has a guy friend, room mate he has said, who is moving into his flat to share. Also one time, he said sugar plum, because it was his word for swearing. He constantly asks me how I am feeling at work and he'll like to stare at me sometimes. So my question is if he is gay and just being open and friendly, or if he really does like me maybe?
  • May 9, 2011, 10:13 PM

    There's really no way for us to know whether he's gay. You know him better then we do, and you have no idea what his sexual orientation is.

    You could ask him, but if you're not very close he could take it the wrong way, or be insulted.

    Some of the things you list as the reasons you think he's gay don't make sense. Men can have room mates that are other men without being gay. Maybe he doesn't like using curse words. The words sugar plum don't make him gay. Asking someone how they're feeling doesn't make him gay either.

    Bottom line, you can't determine if someone is gay just by the way they act or the things they say.
  • May 10, 2011, 07:16 AM

    Did you want this moved to the psychic forum?

    Nobody can read this fellows mind, or know his sexual orientation, or what his intentions are. The best you can do is pay attention, and ask questions yourself, tactfully of course, and find those answers for yourself.

    Are you attracted to him?

    Like the attention?

    Just curious?


    The bottom line is not to get carried away by whatever you are feeling, until you know much more about the guy, and have answers to your questions. FROM HIM! Then still not get carried away. And don't assume, that drives you crazy, and throws off the facts!

    You don't have to start a new question about the same guy, just bring it here, and then we have all the facts in one place, and a pattern emerges and your answers will get better and more specific with more facts, and input from you.

    I am curious on what YOUR feelings are about this guy and the attention he pays you.
  • May 10, 2011, 07:24 AM
    I wish
    We can't analyze his actions and then you what's really on his mind.

    Time will tell whether he's gay or whether he's romantically interested in you.

    But if you're in a rush to find out, then ask him directly.

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