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  • Jan 16, 2003, 01:45 PM
    To whom it may concern,

    I am very, very interested in becoming involved in community theatre here in chicago. I currently live in chicago and have just completed a year's worth of acting classes at a local theatre school.

    Simply, I want to start performing. I want to really experience the feeling of performing in front of a live audience and to work with others who are just as interested in acting as I am. I want to get my feet wet in community theatre. Do you know who I should contact to get started? Where do I go? I don't have much experience on stage other than my classes. I have had previous experience with drama and singing in college, but those experiences were very short lived.

    Do you know of any community theatres in the chicago area that are auditioning for current roles? Do you know of any theatres that are not lnecessarily ooking for stellar experience, but are willing to give those interested in acting a chance?

    Please, please help! I want to start doing what I've always enjoyed... no time to start but now!

    Thanks in advance!

  • May 27, 2003, 10:53 PM
    Look through your local paper and audition, audition, audition. You can also check out and find out what is going on in the theatre world in casting, etc. Prepare a monologue, one minute at least and a song at least 16 bars and hit the streets! Practice and good luck... keep at it! You can do it, you have the spirit and the rest will follow!
  • Dec 9, 2003, 05:34 PM
    You might want to try these sites.,,,,,, and break a leg.
  • Dec 9, 2003, 08:31 PM
    This is easy! Look on the internet for community theatres in your area and when auditions are being held. Prepare a one minute monologue and one song if required and just go! Just do it! You need to do this... and there is no better way then to get prepared and go for it. Find the community theatre you want to audition for, see what shows they are doing, rent the videos - read the plays, prepare a monologue and go! I haven't done theatre in 17 years and that's what I did and I still teach drama... but I needed to audition and be a part of a show again. I was petrified! But I did it. I auditioned, I was cast and had a great time! Made great new friends and tons of contacts. Get new headshots prepare your resume and go for it! Just do it! Acting is doing, not thinking or feeling, that is what Stanislovski said... so 1, 2, 3... jump! You can do it! And I can't wait to hear about it! You have never lived until you have been on the stage... enjoy your life!
  • Oct 30, 2010, 05:54 AM
    nbohr is your source for dramatic or comedic duet acting scenes. Use them for classwork, rehearsal or audition practice. You'll find duet scenes range from 3 to 5 minutes in length that you can download instantly. Browse the database of over one hundred scenes, or search specific scenes.

    <a href="">acting scenes</a>

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