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  • Jan 24, 2007, 02:40 PM
    Brown spots on my face.
    Hey, umm... so I'm writing this because my face is messed up. I have brown spots on my face. . I have no pimples or acne, I used to. But then they went away. All that's left are the brown spots on my face. What should I use to make the brown spots go away? Please help me out here.
  • Jan 24, 2007, 08:17 PM
    There are several ways to treat brown spots. You can use bleaching creams to fade the spots. Microdermabrasion or chemical peels can also reduce dark spots.
  • Jan 26, 2007, 12:28 AM
    The ONLY product I've ever used to remove brown spots that absolutely works is GLYQUIN-XM. It's a cream sold by Doctors; I get mine from the Doctor who does my botox. Horribly expensive, but a one ounce jar lasts about a year and it really works. The only thing is, you have to use it daily as the spots reappear in a few days if you skip applications. It's intense. You use very little, rubbing it only where your brown spots are, as it really will bleach your skin white if you put too much on and it tingles. I use a tiny bit twice daily. In about 2 days, you'll be horrified to see your brown spots have darkened, but that night they'll disappear entirely! Well worth the $100+ it costs. I would imagine that dermatologists carry it. The jar says Rx only. You can't get it in stores or on eBay.

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