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  • Jan 23, 2007, 09:14 AM
    Dating married man... he's jealous
    I've been seeing a marreid man for 7 months but he yday asked me if I'd been seeing an acquaintance of his. How dare he? I told him he's taking his juealousy to the utmost level of wrong. He swears he's not jealous. Do they all seem to be possessive, controlling, & in denial of their jealousy?
  • Jan 23, 2007, 09:32 AM
    You say he is married? He has got a bit of a cheek to accuse you of cheating, it's all one sided here. Not a good idea to get involved with a married man.
  • Jan 23, 2007, 10:10 AM
    Oh my god! ANother one!!

    Your NOT dating!! You're not!!

    He is with his wife!! Hello!! And probably kids.

    If anything you're in an affair - you're the mistress - if anything he is USING YOU for sex!! Hello??

    In 7 months has he left his wife? no. Lies? Yes. Empty promises? Yes.

    Move on - this is SOOOO unhealthy for you.

    Plus - he cheated on his wife - he'll WILL cheat on you one day, but doubt he ever leaves his wife.

    AND you're not dating.
  • Jan 23, 2007, 10:20 AM
    <<do they all seem to be possessive, controlling, & in denial of their jealousy?

    YES and ESPECIALLY if they think they are going to lose their little kick on the side!!
  • Jan 23, 2007, 10:22 AM
    Yes - his worried he will lose the only thing he wants from you and that's sex.

    This isn't dating. To be blunt - you're his ho - as is EVERY woman who dates a married man.

    Don't talk one more word with this guy until the divorced papers are signed and has moved out.

    Don't ou have any morals or selfesteem??
  • Jan 23, 2007, 10:25 AM
    Wow he is jealous that his "other woman" is seeing someone else. What happens every time he leaves you and goes home to his WIFE? Not for nothing, but he has not right to be jealous, but you should not be with him either. He is married, he is WITH someone else. He has built a life with that person. I don't care if he says that he is getting a divorce... he won't. Why should he? He has his wife, and he has you on the side.

    I am sorry but this makes me sad. I can never understand why any woman would want to be second best... and that is exactly what a mistress is... second best. Plain and simple.
  • Jan 23, 2007, 10:31 AM
    RUN! Run for your life! Nothing good can come of this. It's already gone on 7 months too long. He's a selfish, lying, cheating, jealous jerk. Guys like this just get more perverse and more dangerous and more controlling and more jealous the longer it goes on. Please! Save yourself and everyone else who's affected any more heartache and beat it on down the line. You deserve so much better, and so does his wife, and especially his kids, if he has any.
  • Jan 23, 2007, 01:02 PM
    Thanks er'one. Unfortunately he's a millionare & me being a single mother -- he played the money card. I've been trying to pullout for the past 2 months & I've been truly dating others on the side (but no sex with others.) but of course er'time I tried to leave he'd throw the money... but after yday I told him I felt like nothing but his whore- he gets sex I get paid - no more no less. I'm finished with him & this. I'll find the strength to move on. But the guy I met last week asked me on the firstdate if I'd sign a PRE-NUP!! I just felt betta off with the married jerk... THX!! ;)
  • Jan 23, 2007, 01:07 PM
    sswoh you really need to stay away from guys for a while, put yourself and your family 1st! Get yourself 100% straight before you even think of starting to date any one...

    As for the married guy, you need to kick his A@@ to the kerb and do FULL no CONTACT, I'm sure if you tell him you may visit his wife he will leave you well alone.

    Put you and your kids first and get straight, then you will find the right person out there.
  • Jan 23, 2007, 01:27 PM
    Of course he throws money at you. You're his...

    He manipulated you. His worried his 'goo thing' - the sex will end.

    Stop all communications today!! None. Zero.

    UNLESS he comes up with a SIGNED divorce paper, ring, he lives on his own.

    And again - you were never dating.

    How does a gu yask for a pre-nup on the first date? How classless. How about getting to know someone first.
  • Jan 24, 2007, 12:19 AM
    You could always raise your prices. Let him pay extra for talking crap.
  • Jan 24, 2007, 02:42 AM

    Originally Posted by sswoh
    i've been seeing a marreid man for 7 months but he yday asked me if i'd been seeing an acquaintance of his. how dare he?

    How dare him? How dare you? How dare you willing participate in an affair while his the rest of his family are left clueless and used.


    Originally Posted by sswoh
    i told him he's taking his juealousy to the utmost level of wrong. he swears he's not jealous. do they all seem to be possessive, controlling, & in denial of their jealousy?

    Do all who? Men? No many men treat, honor, respect, and show there women a good time. Many of those are single.


    Originally Posted by sswoh
    thanks er'one. unfortunatley he's a millionare & me being a single mother -- he played the money card.

    Boo hoo. How about the emotional, moral, and educational price this kind of thing has on your child.


    Originally Posted by sswoh
    i've been trying to pullout for the past 2 months & i've been truly dating others on the side (but no sex with others.) but of course er'time i tried to leave he'd throw the money... but after yday i told him i felt like nothing but his whore- he gets sex i get paid - no more no less. i'm finished with him & this. i'll find the strength to move on.

    You don’t need to find the strength. You have the strength. You need to apply it. This entire post reads of emotional wreckage and you’re the one that suffers not him. Big deal he has money. Is it worth yourself respect and dignity. He is buying more than just a piece for the night, he’s buying your dignity. He’s just taking a little bit more of your soul every time this happens. Isn’t that worth more than the value of whatever he throws at you?


    Originally Posted by sswoh
    but the guy i met last week asked me on the firstdate if i'd sign a PRE-NUP!!! i just felt betta off with the married jerk... THX!!!;)

    Okay this is a serious question. Do you belong to one of those dating clubs for the millionaires?
  • Jan 24, 2007, 03:06 AM
    I agreed with all comments above. You'll regret soon or later for dating a married man, not to mention that this guy does not seem to respect you much. You should learn to love yourself more. Have some time off from any romance and learn more about yourself. I've learned that it's a bad idea to leave a relationship by jumping into another one.
  • Jan 24, 2007, 03:55 AM
    Why are you dating a married man??

    You are not dating.. you are his bit on the side!!
    Get rid of him now before he breaks your heart!
    He has no respect for his wife let alone you.

    Oh and he is jealous because he knows what goes around comes around.
    He is doing serious cheating on his wife with you!
  • Jan 24, 2007, 07:40 AM
    Dating-Street talk for prositution. An old established business. Usually cash on the barrelhead. Usually paid by the hour or by the trick(JOHN) or discounted per returning customer. Requires no emotional attachment and a great way to pay for dope. Learn as you go. Easy money, hard life. No retirement plan and no benefits.
  • Jan 24, 2007, 09:58 AM
    How do so many women get mixed up wit hmarried men??

    Not many guys get mixed up with married women - AND if they do they know it's just for sex.

    I HAVEN'T READ ONE POST here about a guy who is mixed up mentally, confused because he is dating a MARRIED women.

    Women NEED to stop relying so much on their feelings and USE logic and reality!! I am dead serious. It's always women's feelings.
  • Jan 24, 2007, 10:06 AM

    Originally Posted by Wildcat21
    I HAVEN'T READ ONE POST here about a guy who is mixed up mentally, confused because he is dating a MARRIED women.

    You know that is a great point. I've never even thought about that but it's true.
  • Jan 24, 2007, 10:10 AM
    Perhaps it is because more men have have sex without getting emotionally involved. Women often equate sex to love... a deadly combination if both people are not on the same page.
  • Jan 24, 2007, 10:20 AM

    Originally Posted by sswoh
    i've been seeing a marreid man for 7 months but he yday asked me if i'd been seeing an acquaintance of his. how dare he? i told him he's taking his juealousy to the utmost level of wrong. he swears he's not jealous. do they all seem to be possessive, controlling, & in denial of their jealousy?

    How dare he ask if you've been dating his acquaintance, doesn't he have faith in your capabilities enough to realize that if the "feeling" and the money is right, you'll date all in acquaintances, brothers, cousins, his tailor, his dentist...

    How dare he underestimate you that way!

    Seriously, walk away from this married selfish jerk, stop being a selfish jerk yourself and get your dignity back. It really doesn't matter what his story is, after all, it's just a story to get into the pants of any silly person that is foolish enough to allow it. And free to boot.
  • Jan 24, 2007, 10:25 AM

    Originally Posted by chuff
    How dare him? How dare you? How dare you willing participate in an affair while his the rest of his family are left clueless and used.

    Do all who? Men? No many men treat, honor, respect, and show there women a good time. Many of those are single.

    Boo hoo. How about the emotional, moral, and educational price this kind of thing has on your child.

    You don’t need to find the strength. You have the strength. You need to apply it. This entire post reads of emotional wreckage and you’re the one that suffers not him. Big deal he has money. Is it worth your self respect and dignity. He is buying more than just a piece for the night, he’s buying your dignity. He’s just taking a little bit more of your soul every time this happens. Isn’t that worth more than the value of whatever he throws at you?

    Okay this is a serious question. Do you belong to one of those dating clubs for the millionaires?

    Couldn't rep you though i tried... i tried...

    Seriously chuff, that was the most chuffolicious... no it was chuffopolous, chufftastic, chuffabulous!

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