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  • Apr 1, 2011, 03:08 PM
    Happy hour... a good dinner
    Cooking, ribs and deep fried chicken wings. My own recipes. Dad is picking up Son in Toronto and they will be back shortly. Son is coming home to help mom open up the garden and clean up the flower beds.

    So, mom is having a Dubonnet cocktail at the moment, which is with vodka and lots of ice.

    It is about 6 pm in southeastern Ontario at the moment; so it is happy hour before dinner.

    Any others enjoying this lovely spring weather and looking forward to sundeck dinners, gardening and such...

  • Apr 3, 2011, 11:59 AM

    Spring weather? We are into autumn, getting some chilly nights now.

    Pass me a vodka and raspberry please.
  • Apr 3, 2011, 06:46 PM

    YES Tick, I am afraid that I have spring fever. I have done some work in the yards, raked old leaves, straightened the statues and fountains, etc. It sems that I have some problems with dead spots in the lawn and some settling that I need to take care of. I take a lot of pride in my landscaping. But most of all I am looking forward to the time when I can go to the garden stores to find new and different things for the patio and the yards. And when all this is finished I'll find time to sit back with a cold long one and a good book.

    Already planning a big spring cook out with friends and neighbors (WG, are you listening?)... look out great steaks and burgers!

  • Apr 6, 2011, 11:28 AM
    Just Dahlia

    I'm loving it all. I've had all the cushions out for over a week. Thursday we might get rain, but then back in the 70's for quite a while.
    I'm working on building up my bark at the moment and the grass is as green as I have ever seen it.

    I've already re-potted most of my pots and added additional Geraniums, it great to just sick back and relax and look.

    Unfortunately a Dove decided to lay 2 eggs in a beautiful nest on my work bench, so I can't go near it on chilly nights for fear she will fly away and the babies will get cold.:confused:
  • Apr 6, 2011, 12:01 PM

    JD you must be in a considerable warmer climate then I. My tulips are just about an inch out the earth; but surprisingly enough I do have some hostas coming up which is unusual this early in our spring. It is only about l5 here in southeastern Ontario.

    Warmer today, so walking to my clients and all the properties here are just so lovely with the snow gone.

  • Apr 6, 2011, 12:02 PM

    Originally Posted by shazamataz View Post
    Spring weather? We are into autumn, getting some chilly nights now.

    Pass me a vodka and raspberry please.

    Hey, shazzy, the raspberry taste in vodka must be pretty close to Dubonnet. What exactly do you use ?

  • Apr 6, 2011, 12:04 PM

    Originally Posted by Stringer View Post
    YES Tick, I am afraid that I have spring fever. I have done some work in the yards, raked old leaves, straightened the statues and fountains, etc. It sems that I have some problems with dead spots in the lawn and some settling that I need to take care of. I take a lot of pride in my landscaping. But most of all I am looking forward to the time when I can go to the garden stores to find new and different things for the patio and the yards. And when all this is finished I'll find time to sit back with a cold long one and a good book.

    Already planning a big spring cook out with friends and neighbors (WG, are you listening?)....look out great steaks and burgers!


    My sundeck is my salvation in the nice weather, stringer, but I usually have to rent a pressure washer to clean everything off being this close to the Lake and dampness; siding has to be pressured washed down too.

    I put in a lot of tulips last October to supplement what was already there, so my front property will be a riot of colour soon.

    Nice to hear from you !

  • Apr 21, 2011, 06:33 AM

    My tulips and crocisis are all in bloom, even my lilies are popping up. I was out weeding the garden this morning. It felt great. Raked the yard all up, no snow left at all. And it's supposed to be +18 today. Perfect way to start my 5 day vacation. Sitting on the deck with a cold beer. Oh and guess what? No kiddie tonight! She's having a sleep over with Nanny tonight!
  • Apr 21, 2011, 10:54 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    my sundeck is my salvation in the nice weather, stringer, but I usually have to rent a pressure washer to clean everything off being this close to the the Lake and dampness; siding has to be pressured washed down too.

    I put in a lot of tulips last october to supplement what was already there, so my front property will be a riot of colour soon.

    Nice to hear from you !


    I too added a lot of new/additional tulips and some are budding already. A lot of them have bit the dust so to speak as the rabbits are gorging themselves... damn.


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