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  • Mar 31, 2011, 08:26 AM
    Respect for females in the brotherhood we call the US Marine Corps.
    Females want to be a part of defending our country, why is it that we can not be respected by other Marines, our own same brotherhood respects us the least. I mean, it's not even like we can do infantry, which many of us would love to do. I'm not going to fight the argument that females should be allowed in combat because you have some good reasonings for that, but I would like males to explain why we can't have the same respect for serving our country too. Our Corps is based on a 'brotherhood,' a place where all Marines are Marines; a different breed, and yet there is still the battle of the sexes. I want to join the Corps, and I will no matter how you guys feel about us being in there, I will prove myself to EVERY Marine, male or female. I just can't comprehend how we are fighting for the same thing and yet we have to struggle with the constant fights and disrespect of each other.
  • Mar 31, 2011, 08:45 AM

    Originally Posted by wewillneverdie View Post
    I want to join the Corps, and I will no matter how you guys feel about us being in there, I will prove myself to EVERY Marine,

    Hello we:

    What's stopping you? Look, girl. Man up! You should ALREADY know that being a girl is HARDER than being a man in this world. I didn't make it that way, and I'd change it if I could, but, that's the way it is. You need to thicken your skin - especially if you're going to be a marine.

  • Mar 31, 2011, 08:55 AM
    Comment on excon's post
    It's not really bothering me, hence me saying I'm going to prove myself to everyone.. Men and Women. I'm just saying that I have to constantly fight my family, I should at least be accepted by the group I am joining. I don't have a problem with it, and I tell my family that everyday because that's their main concern. But it will not stop me it will only encourage me, trust me, my recruiter knows I'll overcome all the discouragement in minutes. He knows that nothing is going to discourage me. It's just a thought that we are all fighting for the same thing and we are all part of this brotherhood so we really should all respect each other...
  • Mar 31, 2011, 11:27 AM


    Be careful that you don't go in with a chip on your shoulder. You will meet those who do not show you the respect you deserve in any walk of life, in any profession.

    Certainly just by the sheer numbers involved, you will have a greater likelihood of coming up against sexism in your chosen endeavor, but don't paint all marines with the same brush.

    There will be many you respect you, and at times respect you even more, because you are a women.

    You only have to prove yourself to yourself. Let your resolve and dedication speak for themselves.
  • Mar 31, 2011, 11:59 AM
    Comment on DoulaLC's post
    This was a great response and you're right I shouldn't group all of them with disliking women. It's just hard when most people I talk to try to talk me out of the Marines with that one comment, and it hasn't stopped me yet. The only time it ever bothered me was when my own brother, a Marine, said it and told me that he wouldn't respect me. That kind of knocked me down cause he's the one that raised me and I look up to him, and he's probably the reason I want to join the Corps. But nothing has knocked me down enough yet to make me quit. I am still going to join and I am great at making the best out of everything. Thank you for your comment though. It was helpful and reminded me not to stereotype everyone! =)
  • Mar 31, 2011, 12:14 PM

    Unfortunately, some do not recall the core values regarding respect. Likely part of the flack you will receive, and have received, is based on the notion that women are not strong enough; won't be able to handle the job. No doubt there is a part of the "good ole boys club" mentality going on as well.

    Perhaps your brother is simply concerned for you about what you will potentially face and it came out more as being resistant to, and disapproving of, your decision.

    You will be joining an elite group... not only the Marines, but a female in the Marines. Thank you ahead of time for your service and commitment!

    Semper Fi
  • Apr 18, 2011, 08:52 PM

    I am late to the party but I have been in training. (I am a Marine)

    I would like to start by saying I respect you and your decision to be a Marine. Female or Male.

    Secondly, what makes you feel this way? How do you know this?

    I would love to pick your brain as you can mine... I am a Marine, a male, and an infantryman. Please... lets talk!

    P.S. Our new Commandant is "debating" letting females become 03's (infantry)
  • Apr 18, 2011, 09:01 PM

    It is a simple fact that some males, ( and a lot of real macho males) that don't believe women have a place in some positions. And the "brotherhood" is just that, brothers, not sisters. They see non combat troops as a lower class of soldier. Same as they would often those of other branches of the military. You will not change their mind, and to some, commanders even, the idea of women in the military and esp their branch was forced on them and they agree for public only not, in true belief.

    This is the same issue you will face in many area of employment
  • Apr 27, 2011, 10:15 AM
    Comment on ITstudent2006's post
    Well I feel this way because I know this through the marines I have talked to, including my brother not wanting me in the branch. I have already just recently been threatened by marines or poolees or some friends of marines telling me they don't want to see me walk into the Marine Corps recruiting office again... So I think that made it very clear. I thank you for your openness with me, being a female and joining, but you are one of few.

    And as for the debate of females becoming 03's, it won't happen. They've had these debates over and over again. As much as I would love for it to happen, because I would really like to be in infantry, I know they have their reasonings for women not being allowed in that part of combat. But if we are smart and really want to get to see combat there are some jobs that can get us the opportunity to do so.

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