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  • Mar 28, 2011, 08:21 AM
    Dead Husband In Dream
    I lost my husband almost four years ago tragically. On the 2nd of April is his death anniversary. I haven't been thinking about him deeply and from the time he has died I can count the times that I have dreamt about him, with last night and a time before being the only times he has ever spoken to me in my dream. Last night he came out of nowhere, hanging clothing in my home. He was dressed as if he stood in a wedding, white tuxedo with baby blue tie and vest. Hair groomed in a way I had never seen before. When my son came out to me, I realised he had done my son's hair the same way (his only child by the way). He then told me that he needed a place to stay by five and I said fine, and he left for his things. The dream twisted where I ended up in my ex-boyfriend's car with his girlfriend and I took the keys out of the car and left her stranded as I ran home, almost five miles. When I remembered my husband needed me by five, I checked my watch and it was 9:09. I never saw him again because I woke from my dream. What does this mean because I rarely dream about him, much less remember the dreams in detail or hear him speak to me. Its usually dreams where he is playing cat and mouse with me but nothing like this.
  • Mar 28, 2011, 04:54 PM

    I have no idea what the dream means - that's for some other forum - but everyone grieves in a different fashion. I wouldn't put stock in this particular dream.

    I think it could be anything.

    You dream that he's playing cat and mouse with you? What are those dreams about?

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