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  • Jan 18, 2007, 09:13 AM
    How much should I feed my 6 month old baby girl?

    I wanted to know if my baby girl is eating good. This is what she eats :

    8-9 6ounze bottles of powder milk
    2 3ounze plates of rice cereal
    2- cans of fruit (gerber)
    Some of my food as well like rice, banana, bread ,soup

    What do you think!!
  • Jan 18, 2007, 09:16 AM
    Is that milk the total for the day?
    As for the other stuff hell why not they need to broaden there tastes too just make sure the salt levels aren't to high.
  • Jan 18, 2007, 09:25 AM
    Yea That How Much Milk She Drinks The Whole Day
  • Jan 18, 2007, 09:48 AM
    Yeah, it definitely sounds like she eats good. You might want to throw in some bottles of water now throughout the day. Basically just adjust the amount of food intake to your child's needs. As they grow, their intake amounts change. So long as your doctor says her weight gain is good, you are doing a good job.
  • Jan 18, 2007, 10:00 AM
    I have to say by 6 months id cut it down to 4 bottles a day of 8/9 oz and upped the food/water intake.
    But each baby is different and you will know instinctly when to drop bottle feeds as they stop taking the full amount.
  • Feb 9, 2007, 05:29 PM
    Technically formula/breastmilk is all the food a baby needs until about 9 months of age... my son is 5 months I feed him 8 ounces every 2 3 hours, and a jar of food, or mix meat with veggies or fruit... as long as the baby's dr. says she's healthy then I wouldn't worry about it
  • Mar 24, 2007, 04:28 PM
    I have a 6 month old baby girl also. She weighs 20 pounds and is 26 1/2 inches long. My doctor says she is perfectly fine and she should be getting 24 ounces of milk per day along with 2 servings of fruit and 2 servings of vegetables (her serving size is usually around 3 teaspoons). He doesn't think she should have any meats until she is a minimum of 8 months old, but he prefers to wait a year. I hope this helps! Of course you want to follow your pediatrician's advice as well. Every child is different!
  • Mar 31, 2007, 03:01 PM

    Originally Posted by Eggs




    She is eating healthy but too much... a baby her age should only have 30-36 ounces of milk a day and for each helping of baby food it should only be a 1/4 jar of fruit per serving and not too much of your food.. does she have teeth yet?
  • Mar 31, 2007, 06:19 PM
    You know every child is different, you feed them if and when they are hungry, clean and change them when they need it and love them inbetweeen.

    As long as you are following your doctors instructions, and the baby is happy don't worry about it, the more advice you get from everyone the more you will 2nd guess yourself, Esp since as noted, no two children eat and need the same amounts,
  • Sep 25, 2007, 09:48 AM

    Originally Posted by zelda
    she is eating healthy but too much...a baby her age should only have 30-36 ounces of milk a day and for each helping of baby food it should only be a 1/4 jar of fruit per serving and not too much of your food..does she have teeth yet?

    1/4 of a jar is not right. My baby is six months and I feed him one jar of veggies and half jar of fruit at a time or vice versa per day. He has he eats three 8 ounce bottles of formula and two 5 ounce bottles of formula per day. And has 2 to 3 tablespoons of cereal mixed with juice 1 to 2 times a day. He sometimes has a 4 ounce bottle of juice. His doctor says this is working for him perfect, all babies are dofferent though. But I do think that your giving her too much formula. Maybe try replacing some formula feedings with juice.
  • Sep 25, 2007, 03:00 PM
    I am a child care provider and YES EVERY CHILD IS DIFFERENT!! I keep a 4 month old little girl and she drinks 5-8 6 oz bottles in 24 hours. I mix cereal/rice with some milk (formula milk) and 1/2 jar of food together and she will eat that once a day -about 8 ounces total.

    I also keep a 7 month old little boy and he eats 1/2 jar of meat mixed with 1/2 jar of fruit and about 1/8 cup of ceareal/rice. He eats that for lunch and that with out the meat for breakfast. Along with that he takes about 7 8 ounces bottles in 24 hours.

    Relax, and don't worry so much! Your baby will let you know when he or she is hungry! Listen to your pediatrician and I am sure you are doing a great job!!
  • Sep 26, 2007, 04:16 PM
    Just so you know, this was originally posted in January, so her baby is now like 15 months old.
  • May 12, 2009, 12:01 PM

    Originally Posted by buggage View Post
    yeah, it definitely sounds like she eats good. You might want to throw in some bottles of water now throughout the day. basically just adjust the amount of food intake to your childs needs. as they grow, their intake amounts change. So long as your doctor says her weight gain is good, you are doing a good job.

    Little babies like that aren't suppose to drink water. It can mess up their electrolytes.
  • May 13, 2009, 02:03 PM

    I think you are doing fine. My ds didn't have solids until 8 months, but was breastfed. The only think I don't love is the cereal. There is no nutrition. She could be filling up on something good for her instead. Avacado maybe.
  • Aug 29, 2009, 01:52 AM

    Can my six old months baby take juice?
  • Feb 5, 2010, 12:31 PM
    My baby boy is 6 months old, weighs 20 lbs. and is 27 1/2 inches long. He's a solid boy, but he generally eats about every 4-5 hours. He gets 2 7 oz. bottles of formula : one at b-fast time and one right before bed, 2 4 oz. bottles of formula: one with lunch and one with dinner, and 1-2 nursings where he probably eats about 3-4 oz. At breakfast time he eats 1/2 jar of fruit mixed with cereal, lunch is 1/2 to a whole jar of veggies mixed with barley, and dinnder is a whole jar of veggies mixed with a lttle cereal. He also get a little water here and there. The doctor says he's in the 95th percentile for weight, but is a healthy boy!
  • Feb 23, 2010, 08:01 AM

    Wow. My baby is 5 months and weighs close to 18 pounds. His doctor seems to think I should not give him juice. I tried to give him some and he loved it. I think you're doing a great job. If the baby is healthy that's all that matters. Your baby girl seems to be very healthy. Good job
  • Jul 5, 2011, 07:07 AM
    My daughter is 6 months old and her feeding schedule is 8oz bottle when she first wakes up. 3 hours later she gets cereal and fruit mixed. Then she gets another 8oz bottle 3 hours after that then 1 full jar of baby food with some juice to wash it down then around 6pm she gets a 5oz bottle and by 8 (her bedtime) she gets her full 8 oz bottle and sleeps all night.

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