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  • Jan 19, 2011, 06:56 AM
    A converted muslim boy can marry a muslim girl from konkan
    Hi I am a converted muslim boy Changed Name to Sahil, I want to marry a muslim girl from Konkan India, But her parents is not accepting it as my Father is not muslim, My family requested them that I will be praticing Islam for all my life and my kids will be Muslim too. But than too girl's Mother Father is not accepting it. They are telling in Islam this is haram and in society this is not acceptable.

    Please help me as I am waiting for her Father and Mother to say yes. How to convince them as they are arguing as my Father is Hindu. Please tell me as I am in great dilema now.

    Please help sir, I am staying in Abu Dhabi UAE. Please help sir.
  • Jan 22, 2011, 01:07 AM
    Ask them to fear Allaah, and repent to Him, because WAllaahi they are lying. Were the marriages of The Messenger of Allaah MuHammad -sAaws- Haraam, because his father was a mushrik? And this was the case with most of The SaHaaba(rA`a), The Companions of The Messenger of Allaah, who are the best among muslims after The Prophets(`***)! You can give evidence by searching from the Serah (life of the Messenger-sAaws), and in Surat Jasin of The Holy Quran it clearly explains that their fathers were ignorant of the reality of `la ilaha ill-Allaah`.
    I`m sorry I`m advicing you to talk to them in a severe manner, and it may not be appropriate for your intention, but I am angry for people talking without The Religion of Allaah without knowledge when in fact they are following desires, and not Islam. Try to do it in the best manner, and ask someone, who her father respects to help you. If indeed you have left associating partners with Allaah, and worshiping idols, and you sincerely accept MuHammad -sAaws- as your Prophet -i.e. that you obey him in what he commanded, leave what he forbade, believe in what he taught, and worship God in only the way and Law that He Himself has decreed by the blessed tongue of His Messenger MuHammad -sAaws- then you have right to marry her, but you should ask for the consent from her father yourself, and not your father to ask them, because he has nothing to do with it whatsoever.
    It may be her parents are afraid because it is your father asking them, and not you. That is very strange, and it gives the appearance that you are not independent from him in your religious affairs. They may also fear that you have accepted Islam only to marry her, and they are thinking that you don`t actually believe. So I can understand that, and you could give it some time for the Eemaan (faith) to be firmly established in your heart by practicing Islam, to establish the daily prayers, and learn your Religion well with patient perseverance. And ask Allaah to accept from you, because everything, the creation and the decision, including the hearts of her parents are in His Hand.
  • Jan 22, 2011, 02:02 AM
    Comment on AbuBakr_Fin's post
    But always be sure make all your worship from your heart to The Creator Alone without showing off, or desiring to beautify it because of created beings. You may seek from Him also matters of this world, but not from others by your worship to Him. OK?

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