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  • Dec 23, 2010, 12:04 PM
    How do I get a breast reduction on the nhs?
    Please somebody help me I'm crying out for a breast reduction, I've complained to the doctor numerous of times and she's just thrown anti-depressants at me!
    I've tried writing out a long letter to my doctor naming all the problems that they are causing, she then wrote out a letter herself to the PCT but I'm not surprised that they refused because not only she cut my story short but only mentioned back ache and depression but they cause way much more I'm so angry by this! I mean I have constant back and neck ache, breathing problems, chest pains, lack of confidence, unwanted attention off men, I even have men touching me up! And my bras also dig into my shoulders making them sore!
    They are causing me so much hassle they are running my life and I feel very strongly that I would benefit from having a reduction, what other steps can I take other then talking to my useless doctor? I would be so grateful for some to give me some advice thanks for your time x
  • Dec 23, 2010, 12:35 PM

    You can thank Rationing...

    You can get it done if you want to pay for it yourself I'm willing to bet. Otherwise there are more needy people competing for that limited pool of money and services that nhs has. Your physician isn't even able to do it if they wanted.. it all has to be submitted and approved by a panel of bureaucrats.

    Sorry if that sounded cold or uncaring, it isn't intended to be... but tell a person that can barely walk and needs hip transplants they have to wait 10 or 12 years to get one... because the money isn't there or the resources aren't then you can put into perspective what THEY are dealing with when they told you that.
  • Dec 25, 2010, 03:09 PM
    And what about people who get boob jobs on the nhs its so unfair, I'm in a lot of pain, I get so angry I often think of chopping them off I suppose that you're male so you wouldn't understand. I will keep trying to get 1 cause people that I know have had them done.
  • Dec 25, 2010, 03:12 PM

    Many times reductions are not considered needed, and it often takes years of follow up, proof of dieting, proof of other treatement before it will be even considered
  • Dec 25, 2010, 03:29 PM
    Sorry to say if you have been refused by your PCT then you really don't stand much of a chance, unless you can get a referral to a consultant and state your case in person.

    The only other realistic option would be private treatment.
  • Dec 27, 2010, 06:46 AM

    THis advice has nothing to do with being a man... the NHS has one apple to distribute... you have 5 people that claim they need an apple. Who gets the apple? The 400 lb person that claims they are hungry... or the underweight person who is clearly malnourished, or the three people that appear to be well nourished?

    Losing weight is the most quick way to lose breast mass. You just bon't see 120 pound women with excessively large breasts everyday (there ARE a few, but they are rare)... and for a reason. They are almost completely fatty tissue. THe mamary glands of a triple F cup woman are no larger than a triple A cup woman. Yes I do believe they can cause you discomfort... the issue is priorities. NHS has limited resources and can't possibly give everything everyone wants when they want it. And as was mentioned... when it comes down to giving someone a hip replacement because they are unable to walk... or give you a breast reduction. Guess who gets what they want?

    Find a way to pay for it yourself if it's that much of a discomfort to you. You can do that. You don't HAVE to live with it... but you might have to pay for it. You are entitled to basic health care under NHS... but not every form of plastic surgery that's out there.

    That's not being mean... its just being realistic.

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