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  • Nov 30, 2010, 08:02 PM
    How to protect my sister
    I am 23 and my sister has just turned 16! We both live at home. Our parents can be violent towards us every so often if we do something to annoy them! They are almost always in bad form with us and with each other and will start a fight with us over anything. This year my sister has started college and its turned out she doesn't really like the course she has chosen and on top of that she has being getting very depressed because of our home life and has started getting panick attacks. She has been to the doctor several times. Yesterday morning it was my turn to take my sister to college because my mother had college that morning too. My sister forgot to put on her alarm and we both slept in. when we eventually woke we decided we wouldn't tell mam because we knew the reaction we would get. When she arrived home she ran straight for my sister started hitting her on the head and pulling her hair and pulling her down the ground. My sister ran up to her bedroom and my mother followed her and banged her head off a shelf. My sister started screaming at her to get out but mam wouldn't she just kept hitting her. I ran up to calm my sister down as she gets panick attacks and my mother turned on me hitting me 2 and trying to grab my hair. I fought her off and my sister climbed out the window. My mother proceeded to hit me but eventually got in to her car and drove after my sister and dragged her back in to the car. Eventually I got to my sister and I drove both of us to my boyfriends house wherewe have been staying since! My sister is in tatters. She is severely upset and depressed and has even wished she was dead.what do we do as I don't have a place of my own to mind my sister and I know my mother will not listen to us
  • Nov 30, 2010, 08:18 PM

    Have you tried calling the police?
  • Nov 30, 2010, 08:25 PM
    Comment on J_9's post
    Wouldn't like to resort to that. Id feel I was betraying my parents
  • Nov 30, 2010, 10:59 PM
    At that point, you really only have 2 options: Move out or call the cops and move out.

    See if you can crash at a friends house for a bit until you can get out on your own. Trust me, I have lived that life before with 3 step siblings of mine. I had to player the protector for them my entire teenage years. If you keep living like that, it can really take a tole on you, I know first hand and seen just how far living that lifestyle can drag someone down. Trust me, living in someone else's home is still better than living in a broken home.

    I know it can be hard moving out, but if I could do it all over again knowing what it could end up costing, I would have gotten myself emancipated at 15, gotten a place of my own regardless of what it took and had them move in with me instead of going through that again.
  • Dec 1, 2010, 03:41 AM

    Instead of thinking of it as betraying your parents think of getting them the help they obviously need. They should not be behaving like this. It's not right for them and it's certainly not right for you and your sister. Is there a college counsellor that you can go to who could get the ball moving on getting you the help you need? Or a pastor or other responsible adult? Or are there any organisations that you could contact that help young people or families? If the police is the only option then I'm afraid that is the route you might have to take. You really need to talk to someone about this.
  • Dec 7, 2010, 10:33 AM
    Oh sorry dear, but it seems to me that your beloved parents have betrayed you a long time ago.
    What your parents did, especially your mother, was not only inhuman, but also injustice (sounds strange I know, but justice and humanity don't always go together). She didn't just Abuse your sister, but also Assaulted you.
    You have to call the police, and the Against Child Abuse organization in your area. They can help a lot with this type of troubles.
    Please, do not doubt for one second that you're betraying your parents. No. Never. You are just trying to save your sister And yourself from people who don't respect you.
    Seek a counselor, for both you and your sister, especially your sister. She's young and fragile, she doesn't deserve this.
    Move out. Stay away from those people. If you still want a proper life for your sister and yourself. It might be hard to start over. But at least it's way better than having to live in hell.
  • Sep 24, 2013, 10:02 AM
    Move out. Live with some you trust and will always be there for you. Get your sister some help if you can

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